About Jbar1569
Joined May 2009
Hi every one,

Im james 20 years, a total newbie to this online marketing. I am a fulltime student under engineering design in drafting technology and under a lot of debt.
I am looking for a way to make myself debt free and earn some extra money to start up my own business. im not expecting to be a millionair or anything. I am patient and aware of the saying "you deserve what you've put into it" which means nothing will pay off if you dont put effort on what you're doing. I joined Wealthy Affiliate because i dont want this opportunity to pass in front of me, i would like to give it a chance and do my best to learn the business so that i could prove to everyone that any average dude could actually make a difference.

I would like to get all the oppinions and advices to get started with this business
I would greatly appreciate it!

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kerry Premium
James dream big and never undermine yourself you will end up being your own worst enemy and that is very true think big and ask a lot of yourself and be prepared to make mistakes everything is a learning game just make sure it's what you wnat
jbar1569 Premium
Thanks to ya'll for the support and encouragement i greatly appreciate it. i will keep in touch and will keep focus through out. i will be around for sure.

thanks again! :)