About JeffMcCarty
Joined March 2008
I'm Jeff McCarty from Cocoa, Florida. I'm a 34 year old male. I'm just getting back into pursuing internet marketing interests after about a 4 month break. I was pursuing starting an online business for about a whole year recently with not much success. I had noticed the wealthy affiliate site many months ago and something about them managed to stay stuck in my mind. So I'm going to try them out. I'm going to follow their 8 week action plan for starters and see where it takes me. I'm more interested in slow steady growth(1 to 3 years) but seeing real results for any efforts on my part. Nice to meet everyone.
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JeffMcCarty Premium
If you are looking for a buddy who would like to find real, honest and legitimate ways to make money online, then that would best describe me and that would best describe the kind of buddy I am looking for. I would also entertain someone who may be looking for someone to provide them with some type of paid service. If it is something that requires one to three hours of work for 10 cents, no need to reply. I have been there and done that already. I have also done referral for cash as well and they did not suit me for the time involved in each transaction and basically having to signup for something I was going to turn right around and cancel just to make the money out of the deal. No, I am not here for that. So, If that is what you are going to offer, try someone else's space. I hate to sound this way, but I've been through a lot of chaos in internet marketing and I still have some unhealed wounds that I can possibly get healed here through wealthy affiliate.
I would also entertain a possible joint venture with someone wherein I provide real value and service coming from my end and you provide the same as well coming from your end in order for us both to benefit and accomplish something that we could not both do ourselves alone or on our own.
Below in my attributes you will see I have listed html as one of them. I have a very basic knowledge of html. If you would like some minor things done to a site that you already have, I would entertain doing these things for a negotiable fee. I spent 2 to 3 weeks optimizing and making additions to this site through my cpanel as an example of what i have done before. http://www.infoviewpoint.com/emarketing This was a mfa(made for adsense) site that I bought and added several of my own features to. And this is a site that I built from the ground up to lead into the emarketing site and other niche areas that at one time I had plans for: http://www.infoviewpoint.com