About Jeremyk2x
Joined November 2009
I am reminded of a quote from Dead Poets society "Carpe Diem" or "Seize the Day" and that's my goal each an every day. I am a father of three great children (all boys) and this is why I get up each morning! I have a background in business and sales but am ready to work for myself, and control my life, success and destiny.
Jeremyk2x's Accomplishments

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Louise M. Premium
Hi Jeremy ! and WELCOME ! I guess 3 boys is a lot of work ! and LOVE ! :)
You're at the right place and definitely not alone in this. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. You'll see, this community is very supportive and the tools you'll find here will really help you succeed and you do what it takes ! :)

Wish you the best and see ya around !
jeremyk2x Premium
Thanks. I enjoyed your bio. I'm going through the material and about to put an action plan together for my first campaign.
katiew Premium
katiew Premium
It is very nice here! yah np ...I like making new friends ... I also look forward to hearing of your success! Goodluck .. keep me posted on how well your doing!
katiew Premium
I am going good!
how are you doing? .... hows everythng going ?
jeremyk2x Premium
Hi Katie. I've never been to Canada but I hear it is beautiful. Thanks for the salutations I am excited to do this as well. I look forward to hearing about your success.
jeremyk2x Premium
Well I just posted my first article. The next thing I'm on is figuring out how to get it ranked higher.
jeremyk2x Premium
How are you doing?
samzoo Premium
Hi, and welcome to WA! I wish you all sucess here. Let's go for it togehter!
samzoo Premium
Yeah, that is right, I'm a software engineer. How about you? Are you also in the software business?
jeremyk2x Premium
Thanks for the salutations Samuel. So I see you are doing software. Are you an engineer?
jeremyk2x Premium
I'm not in the software business per se. I used to sell software for Pitney Bowes, but am now in school for professional communications and computer science.
music_mom30 Premium
jeremyk2x Premium
Thank you. I look forward to reading about your successes!
jeremyk2x Premium
Thank you. I look forward to reading about your successes!
jeremyk2x Premium
Thank you. I look forward to reading about your successes!
DrMarie Premium
Hi! Welcome to WA! Congrats on the fam. Got 3 sons myself. ("Course they are all grown now!) :) Keep that enthusiastic attitude and you will succeed! If I can help you, just ask.
Dr. Marie
jeremyk2x Premium
Thanks Dr. Marie. We are expecting snow so I am hoping to go sledding tomorrow with the boys. You have 3 adults sons? Wow I would not have guessed you to be over 30.