About Jerrymetarzan
Joined May 2010
Hi, my name is Jerry. I am new here and my member rank is 5,924, yikes!
I quit my job as an Electrical Engineering Drafter over a year ago because I could no longer deal with the stress, politics, BS., and long drive to and from the city of Dallas Texas (didn't leave me with enough time for my favorite activity, swinging from trees :) JK). Have been living off of my savings and trying to figure out a way to make money working from home. Joined a stock trading strategy group, studied diligently for months and started writing covered calls. Tried this strategy for eight months but would have made much more money just investing in some quality stocks, which is what I'm doing now, but now the market is tanking, crap! Next, joined a real estate investing group, started learning about that, got all pumped, but couldn't qualify for financing, not enough money and no income, crap! :O So next, I (do you see a pattern here...) I started researching wholesaling/flipping houses, which led me to note brokering/investing, which in turn led me to IM and WA. Whew!
There is much income & growth potential in Internet marketing and WA appeared to be a good way to get started. So here I am, what a great resource WA is, lot's of great like minded people, so much info., it is overwhelming.
I have a fairly extensive background and knack for creating technical documentation, training manuals, establishing and documenting procedures. Hopefully I will be able to parlay these abilities here at WA.
Jerrymetarzan's Accomplishments

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ScottyD Premium
Hey! Welcome Jerry,
jerrymetarzan Premium
Thanks Scotty!
jerrymetarzan Premium
Thankyou so much Louise, I will definitely do that
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME! Glad to have you here!
Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck! :)

PS: thx for the buddy add!
Louise M. Premium
that's a common mistake ;)
You indeed have to "send a reply" for me to receive your reply. :)
jerrymetarzan Premium
Not sure if I'm doing this right...instead of replying I posted as a reply to you Louise, in which I stated "Thankyou so much Louise, I will definitely do that". I'll figure this out yet
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
jerrymetarzan Premium
Thankyou Jamie
jerrymetarzan Premium
Hi, my name is Jerry. I am new here and my member rank is 5,924, yikes! I quit my job as an Electrical Engineering Drafter over a year ago because I could no longer deal with the stress, politics, BS., and long drive to and from the city of Dallas Texas. Have been living off of my savings and trying to figure out a way to make money working from home. There is much income & growth potential in Internet marketing and WA appears to be a good way to get started.