Posts by Jessieeverette 3
November 24, 2009
            One of the things in life that i have so much interest with is fashion, vanity and anything that has to do with beauty and grooming. I don't usually follow the rules as the experts on fashion recommend, my rule is never sacrifice comfort for style nor the other way around. It is always better to feel good and look good at the same time.              You see, we are not
         There is a saying that "if you can dream it you can do it", and i am a proponent to that.  I have big dreams for myself, for my family and especially for the people that i want to help. I never stopped believing that someday i will have a big break or a big blessing from God that will enable me to achieve my dreams. God has been very gracious to me and i feel that his blessing will never run out, I just have to do my part, and do
November 24, 2009
          I just joined WA university and so far so good.I   am expecting that in one way or another i can develop my marketing potentials here. Internet marketing is a very novel concept for me, but it seems to be very interesting.          Eversince i can remember, i love to trade and do small business with my friends and classmates ranging from selling pencils and notebooks to them. Fortunately for me i stayed with my