Stepping to the plate

Last Update: November 26, 2011

I have incorporated my daughters help to work on getting a business up and running. She wanted me to post this message for her to everyone here.

Alright, my name is Fallynn and I am Julie's daughter. Everyone I know calls me Faye, generally since they can't pronounce my real name. My mom has recently started going back to school to get her Masters degree. I am very proud of her for that, but this has kind of tapered off in a sense and she just does not have the time to work on it. So here I am. Picking up where she left off. Trying to anyways. I honestly don't know what I'm doing, but am excited to start getting things rolling! She is working on getting me up to date with what she knows and I am taking my tech and generational savvy (We are the age of the internet!) and working to get this whole process started back up. Look forward to talking with people and finding out everything there is to know on here. Not sure what else to say so I suppose I will leave it at: Thanks for checking this out, I hope to get to read up on some other people and what they have done! Let the fun begin!

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chamaltatis Premium
Great! Just keep on reading those training lessons and keep on asking questions (in the forum or in the chat) to great people here . The best of all, try to mess around and learn by yourself. Enjoy your stay!
Hussien Premium
welcome aboard :) Let us know if you need any help by posting on the forums, chat or PM me personally if you like.