About Jjsutton79
Joined March 2009
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giraffe62 Premium
hey man, thanks for the line you dropped me, since then ive had a chance to really look round the website, check out whats hapenin. I can see you've been pretty succesful with this, was just wondering what was the 1st method of internet marketing you tried out since starting the 8 week course? what was the easiest to set up and what worked best? would appreciate some recomendations. Did you go straight to the ppc course in week one btw? cheers man wb, ive added you to my buddies,
sodakuppi Premium
nice sites...good job setting up them in such a small amount of time
Mathew17 Premium
I'm hoping you could help me, I am having problems getting my squidoo lens RSS up. I follow the directions from the squidoo optimization junior course, but no dice, I have also posted two topics on the general marketing discussion forum, but both suggestions from there have not worked either, do you think you can refer an rss feed to me, I am trying to promote WA. I would be very thankful if you could help me, thanks JJSutton.
StewartA Premium
Hey JJ, just got my space all updated and had to find you here since you made the comment about those darn GA Dawgs in your forum post
jjsutton79 Premium
kwilmont Premium
Hey son. Hope you will be my buddy! Signed up yesterday. very interesting. a lot to learn. looks like fun too.
jjsutton79 Premium
Hey Daddy and Nancy ! I see ya'll are giving it a go ahead now huh ? I've found even more great stuff since we talked last. I'll send ya'll the links. Love ya'll