Ultimate Request for a Living Donor Kidney Transplant

Last Update: December 13, 2011

Ultimate Request for a Living Donor Kidney Transplant

My name is Jackie Anderson. I am writing to you on behalf of my niece, Vertina Harris,

we call her Tina for short.

I am reaching out to people for the Ultimate Request for a Living Donor Kidney Transplant.

Tina's need is for a Living Donor Kidney Transplant and I would like to let you know about Tina's current health challenge, and how you can help.

This is not an easy letter for me to write, but I know that without sending this, someone who might be interested in helping won’t have that opportunity.

Tina is a wonderful person. Tina's community involvement with The Eastern Star organization has helped hundred's of people.

Almost from the very beginning Tina and been instrumental in helping nurture and raise her niece Aaliyah Sheppard, who has been afflicted with Cerebral Palsy.

Also, Tina's has been attending Chicago State University pursing her Master's Degree in Occupational Therapy.

In 2009 Tina lost her best friend, Tiffiny Spicer, who at 28 years old succumbed to an asthma attack and died suddenly.  After enduring such a devastating lost to not only herself, but  Tiffiny's family, Tina made it her  top priority that Tiffiny's family would not fall apart due the death of their daughter.

Tina visited with them constantly. She ran errands for them and did whatever was necessary to alleviate some of the trauma that incurs when someone dies without warning.

When it came time to pay the family bills Tina was there to assist with helping them pay their bills online. Tiffiny's Mom wasn't computer savvy and Tiffiny use to handle that responsiblity.

Tina's gladly picked up this task and took on the responsiblity that use to rest with Tiffiny.  Before the challenge with her health Tina was a very active church goer.  Tina attends Living Word Church in Forrest Park, Il  under the guidance of Pastor Bill Winston. 

Tina suffers from stage 5 Renal failure.

Medical History

Since early 2009 when she was first diagnosed with kidney failure she has been doing everything she can to avoid going on dialysis.  But, now her choices all been eliminated and Tina is currently in the process of getting setup for the dialysis program.

Tina's medical history. Tina's  blood type is AB+.  Tina has been afflicted with Asthma, and a severe case of Eczema.  Just last week Sharon Harris, who is Tina's baby sister, test results came back and to Tina and Sharons' dismay they learned that  Sharon could not donate, because she was diagnosed with  kidney stones. What a devastating blow!

Kidney Dialysis

Here is what happens when a person goes on dialysis

First , Tina's body has to be prepared surgically with a catheter (plastic tube) which is placed into the chest or stomach area, into a large vein to allow dialysis. 

Tina is in the process now of having this done.

Next is the dialysis itself, which is the artificial replacement for lost kidney function (renal replacement therapy). 

Dialysis help aids the body's process of getting rid of waste (diffusion) and unwanted water (ultrafiltration)

from the blood. 

Tina needs a new kidney, and we hope you will consider being tested to be a donor. 

The reason that I am reaching out to you on Tina's behalf is because I'm one of the people who can't donate on her behalf.

I'm eliminated because I had a stroke in September of 2008. In addition to that,  I have hypertension which is an eliminator, too.

You may not be aware, but there is a 5+ year waiting list for receiving a deceased donor's kidney.   There is a benefit to receiving a kidney from a living donor.

The benefit  with receiving the kidney from a living donor, the kidney lasts twice as long as one that is received from a deceased donor.

Since Tina has no choice but to go on kidney dialysis her life will be extremely difficult.
Tina's life  as she has known it is about to change significantly! 

My goal for her is to have as much as a normal life as possible while we reach out to people seeking a new kidney on her behalf. 

I know this is a big request. But I make it on behalf of someone who devotes every day of her life to making a difference to her family and friends.

If you can help, please do. If you know anyone who might, please forward this on!

Forwarding this to your family, friends, work, school, congregation, or any other communities you belong to would be most gratefully appreciated.

If you would like to learn more about living kidney donation, please feel free to call me at: (630) 914-0021,  I want to be as helpful as possible.

You could also call Vertina Harris' Transplant Coordinator, (Kathy Davis 773-834-2228) and have a confidential conversation and get answers to any questions you have!

Thank you so much!


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