Staying on

Last Update: August 25, 2010

Why do I suddenly feel as though I'm getting nowhere fast? I keep getting off track with my studying...losing focus. What do others do to keep focused on the task at hand? As I'm currently unemployed, I have the entire day to work on my progress plan but keep jumping around when I see an article or a training idea. I just need to focus!

 What do others do to say on track?

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Labman_1 Premium
Those are good ideas. I make sure to keep a log. I just happened to have a couple of composition notebooks lying around so one became the IM Bible. It keeps me focused on the task at hand.
BradB Premium
I agree make a list......unfortunately I also agree that it is way easier than it sounds.........Make a master list of the three big areas to learn......your three!
The startup guide is good.....Pot Pie Gals 1000th post is very good.
Find 1 2 or 3 but get one done until you can brag on it here.

Other than that just hang in there,...go through the distracted phase until you get mad as hell at yourself then move on to bigger and better things.
Sometimes I feel like the internet is like a big attraction park where you can't look anywhere that doesn't have something new happening.
Eventually though you will get used to it all and only the good stuff stands out.
You are actually way ahead of thousands just by being here.
It is late........hope you stay on the track you are on and do good things.
Fallulah Premium
Make a list. And stick to it [lol]. I put EVERYTHING on, ironing, cleaning the bathroom, learning about Groogle Sitemaps ... absolutely everything. If I tick them off after each one's complete I feel better about what I've achieved. I can see where my time's gone and where I'm headed. I find it helpful to have 3 columns ... 1 What is the task 2 What will it help me achieve 3 What's next. eg 1 Do the ironing 2 Happy relationship 3 Clean the bathroom ... or ... 1 Learn about WP sitemap plugins 2 Get me closer to publishing blog 3 Implement sitemap and move on to content. It really keeps me focused. I stray occasionally but not for long :)