My First Day (Actually Night)

Last Update: February 13, 2010

I had read some things on a website that I frequent yesterday that has to do with work at home jobs. I have found a lot of neat little opportunities on there to make some side cash in the past year.  I also knew that this person's main job was an affiliate marketer.  Affiliate marketer?  Sounded like a job where a lot of schooling and a degree would be needed!  Yesterday, I decided to see what this was all about.  I went through the information he had provided, and I decided to look at the WA website and see what I thought.  I decided that the information that was given on the introduction page prior to joining was something I would be interested in knowing more about.  So, eleven hours later, I am writing this.   Am I confused?  Yes.  Will I stay confused or give up?  No.  I believe that a spirit of open mindedness and willingness will help me to be successful as an Affiliate Marketer, remember Rome wasn't built in a day!

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brian28 Premium
I like this alot couldnt word it better myself
Felice Premium
Hi JMcGee,
I agree with you about your filing and I have the impression to be in a sort of labyrinth where you go from room to room.Each room is nice but you cannot go back to the previous you wont to review .The Pot-girl (may be her Pot is really hot!) is chasing me with a lot of way out!
You think it's a nightmare? Almost! Anyway I would like to try her free tutorials you said are excellent.
We keep trying....may be Rome one day will be rebuild!
Bye buddy, Fausto P.