Wealthy Affiliate Rookie

Last Update: March 27, 2010


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jnewlon Premium
I am very new to Wealthy Affiliate. I am still in the process of looking around. I am 54 years old and believe that everyday is worth living. I have dreams and know that with the right work ethic those dreams can be lived out. I am a long time musician and singer. I have been repairing and selling office equipment for over 25 years. Over the last 10 years I have been operating my own company in Akron Ohio, called Printer Solutions Plus. I simply want more options in life. I want to live where I want to live and vacation where I want to vacation. I am excited about what I think that Wealthy Affliate can help me achieve. I am glad to be here. I am looking forward to developing honest lasting relationships. See you in the world of internet marketing.