About Joediaz
Joined April 2008
Hello Everyone,
My name is Caryn and this is me with my daughter Sam. I live near Chicago and have 3 children. My girls moved out about 2 years ago to raise a couple of Bullmasiffs. I didn't realize how difficult it was going to be without them at home! I've been searching for a challenging opportunity to focus my energy on. I am a loan Officer by day and am trying to give Affiliate Marketing go, because the Housing market, as you all know is in the dumps. So I have a bit of time on my hands to do more with.
Also, my husband and I love to travel and I want to be able to go whenever..I though it would be nice to be able to work poolside from my laptop. Affiliate Marketing could afford us that luxury.
At first I thought Affiliate Marketing was for younger people because I was not raised or schooled by computers, but now that I've had some training I know I can do this. Is there anyone else out there like me?
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Jacob Premium
Hi Caryn,

Welcome to WA. Good luck with the dogs I tried raising a Yellow lab but ended up giving her to someone who had more room. Have fun here at WA and never stop learning.

mike.s.85 Premium
Hi Caryn. i am a new member as well, i have been using the system for about a week and just about to finish the junior learning center. I know it all seems like a lot at first but thats the best place to get started. If you need a specific answer to a question don't be afraid to ask. See ya out there
mike.s.85 Premium
A couple of other affiliate programs that are good are Ezinearticles.com, Goarticles.com, and Searchwarp.com, these are some websites that run good with google. try posting with one of these
joediaz Premium
Hi Mike and welcome. It's good to know that you did a bunch of research, we joined on a tip from a friend. How we got into it (my husband and I) was by talking to a friend at the gym we go to. He has been doing this for about 6 years and he peaked our interest. He has been wildly successful at it and offered to teach us. Unfortunately... he got called away on family matters and ever since, I've been a bit lost. We put up a few campaigns with his help but don't really know how to launch thing totally on our own. The ones we ran have been taken down...not converting. Do you belong to any Affiliate networks? We joined CX Digital and Neverblue. Great to talk to you hope to help one another, Peace.
RedRose Premium
Hi, Joediaz,

May name is Karen too and I'm from south of Chicago. Small town of Crete. Very beautiful family you have. I also had an English Mastiff named Bandit before I moved. Biggest baby ever! :) I hope you are having success in IM. I joined in May. It's nice to find some one kind of close to home. Best of luck and if I can help let me know Karen
RedRose Premium
Hi Joediaz,
Last time I had Bandit weighed, he was about 176 lbs. We also have a 1-1/2 year old Bullmastiff named Smokey (same color as yours). She's still small enough to walk under Bandit without bending her legs. pretty funny. Well, how do you like this so far? The community and information to be gained here is awewome. I really think once we get the hang of this we'll both be able to live our lives on our terms and schedules. Thanks for writing back, I 've added you to my buddy list, hope that's ok. Good luck!!
RedRose Premium
Hi joediaz,

How are you? Thought I would see how you are doing with WA? Is it getting better? I hope you're having success!
RedRose Premium
Hi joediaz,

I hope your surgery and recuperation went well for you. I'm not the overnight success that I dreamed of being (LOL!), but I'm learning alot so hopefully soon I can be spreading news of my success as well. My ex's bull mastiff smokey just delivered 9 puppies on July 12th. I saw them at 2 days old...... so cute and soooo little!
joediaz Premium
Hi Karen, small world isn't it. Good luck with IM and I truly hope you reach all of your gaols. Sounds like you have a wonderful outlook and are looking forward to your future...that's great. Wow your baby is beautiful. How much does he weigh in at?
joediaz Premium
Hi Redrose,
Iv'e been recovering from surgery. Have not been doing much. Thanks for checking on me. How is it going for you?
MaryJ2010 Premium
Hi Caryn, Like you I thought this was more for the younger crowd. I too would like to travel but with the business my husband and I have now we are tied to our shop. I see you joined a couple of weeks before I, how are you coming along with the 8 week action plan? I seem to be stuck on week 2. I can't get my Squidoo lens going. I really want to make this work. Let me know

MaryJ2010 Premium
Glad to hear that I'm not the only one that doesn't have a ton of time. I work 12 hour days and watch my 10 month old grandaughter in my office at our store 4 days a week. To answer your questions, yes I have a website, but it is not published yet. It is a cooking/recipe website www.cookseverydayrecipes.com. Like you I didn't have much computer experience so I am kind of fudging my way along. I have not joined any affiliate programs yet, but I'm keeping a list of programs I think I may be interested in. My website is just about ready to publish. I was just getting the legal stuff on it. I don't know if I needed it or not but thought it was better to be safe than sorry. I'm also working out the kinks on my first Squidoo lens. I don't know why but it seems to scare the bejabbers out of my to fill out the information to start. I think it's because I'm afraid I not doing it right.

It's nice to see more people around my age. When I first started with WA, I thought I was going to be one of the older ones of the gang.
Keep me informed on how you're doing.
MaryJ2010 Premium
Ps. I added you to my buddy list.
joediaz Premium
HI MaryJ2010,
It's slow going for me on the 8 week plan, I've been running around a lot lately and I'm not finding the time to devote to it! I am a loan officer and although things are quite slow it still requires my time. I will get to this sooner or later. We have put up a few campaigns already...with a friend's help but made no real money yet. I feel it's time to learn the business better. I think it's really hard to grasp but I'm determined. What are your plans for IM? Do you have a website? Did you join any affiliate networks yet?
mightyone Premium
Welcome to the show...CHICAGO in the houseeeeeeeeeeeeeee
mightyone Premium
No problem suga pie; a PPC Consultant stands for PAY-per-Click, which is the major platform on Google's search engine sponsored advertising links. Yahoo and MSN have it to. So I simply consult with people who have a marketing campaign going on. I do it for free for WA members (shssss don't tell anyone), you're a ways from using it perhaps; but slowly go through the 8 week course and some of the tutorials and you'll start to get the hang quickly. I've been at this about a year with WA; and since 2005 with ADwords or PPC. tALK to ya soon...
joediaz Premium
Ok Mighty one... I'm 51 and ya know when I was growing up we didn't even have computers so this isn't really gonna be a dumb question... what's a PPC Consultant? I'm trying so hard to get the hang of this Affiliate Marketing... I think it's hard but I am determined to get it!!! I am married to a great man but Iwant to be able to bring a decent income to our relationship. This seems like a good fit for me if I can only start to "Get" it How far into it are you?Thanks for the welcome. Hope to talk to you soon.