The Life of the Internet Marketer

Last Update: April 04, 2012

I started WA about a year ago now.  I was so excited when I first began the business but ended up getting caught up with my every day life.  Life just threw me a bunch of curve balls and I was overwhelmed.  I quit WA and focused on what needed to be taken care of at the time and got through that bumpy road.  I didn't quit WA because I didn't believe in it, but because I was just overwhelmed.  Along with my real life problems I was getting no where fast.  I didn't make a $1 online and I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong, it just got frustrating.  So yeah, I quit WA but never let it leave my true dream.  Even though I gave up and came across all these real world problems I always thought about internet marketing and what I was doing wrong.  I then decided to start all over.  I signed back up with WA and did the 30 day workshop again.  While I was doing the tasks from the beginning I started to realize what my mistakes were and it just did nothing but motivate me!  My website ( has been up for under a month now, but I am confident that it will do wonders for me.  I'm going to be away from the internet for a month but I will be back to continue this wonderful life online.  So to all of you out there that are having a hard time doing this business online, hang in there and DO NOT give up! 

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georgejhaas Premium
Good for you. Do not give up. This is a long term commitment. It took us about five months before we got our first sale. We started with WA in September, 2009. We are averaging about 30 or more sales a month and growing. We are expanding what we are doing by trying to get into new niche markets. I wish you all the best on what the future will bring for you. George
smokeywins Premium
I totally understand where you're coming from... I currently find myself in the midst of being hijacked by life... Other things that need to be addressed before I can put 100% of my attention back on my tasks here at WA. Focus on your dreams and you will succeed!
jchilders Premium
Yep, life has a way of messing up the best laid plans. :) At least you've held on to your dreams though. As you said, do not give up!
BIS Premium
Your site is looking very good. Nice layout. Good luck with it.