Posts by Jonart 2
June 21, 2012
I was reminiscing today about my first experiences with the Internet. Flashback to 1995 and I'm sitting in front of my first IBM PC with two (count em) floppy disk drives. The internet tends to look like "Pong", the first computer game under a glass table at a pizza joint. Shall we say "highly pixilated"? Compuserve was big and so was Netscape and AOL. Colors on my huge, blocky monitor were highly limited, maybe 256? I went out cautiously tip toeing from URL to URL, afraid of falling into th
After dabbling in Internet Marketing over the past 15 years I think I’ve finally found a truly honest company and system that is knowledge based and that anybody can learn to do. Hence WA Edge (the blog) was born and I plan to share a lot of highlights related to content on The Wealthy Affiliate website, hoping to spark your interest in what goes on there.I actually visited their site 6 months ago and it looked interesting but I actually didn’t sign up until a few days ago. I signed