My Internet Marketing Experience

Last Update: February 22, 2010

Well over 15 years in the computer hardware industry I could say.  I was a computer freak.  I tinkered a lot with computer hardware for many years and even had my small shop doing repairs and upgrades back in 1998.  At that time I was selling desktops and laptops when the OS were still Windows 95 and 98.  I had a lot of junk operating from my 1 bedroom apartment, parts should I say.  It was good business until the computer hardware prices started to drop and technology was advancing so fast that hardware was getting cheaper.  During those days a typical desktop cost almost $2000 dollars and the IBM ThinkPad were around those prices.  Prices were dropping over the years and buying and selling was not so profitable anymore.  The Service industry though was always there.  As the years past and Operating Systems changed and the Internet was becoming so big so fast and the .com.  My interest was changed when I was introduced to Internet Marketing back in 2004.  I did not quite understand the industry but slowly I started to learn and in 2005-2006. I remember getting into several affiliates and still getting myself confused about how affiliate marketing industry evolved.  In 2006 I moved to the United States and here I had more time to get the ball rolling.  I recall spending so much money on e-books, software, downloadable programs to learn more on the Internet Marketing world and how big the potential was to making money on-line.  I was slow and losing too much money buying other peoples stuff.  I was watching the gurus that had launched from when they first started selling products till 2-3 years later and some others more than 4-5 years that I can remember their names and when I see them on their websites and testimonials that they have made a lot of money over the years.   I realized that I was wasting my time not focusing on it.  I had learned a lot but never really applied what I learned.  I have made some blogs, articles, sent millions of e-mails, post videos on You-tube, worked on 3 Network Marketing companies, and spent a lot of money here and there.  Put my auto responders on Get Response, on and off.  Spent money on Google adwords for 1 year till I understood a lot of how important my webpage needed to be to get ranked, keywords combining, relevant pages, H1, Tags,  Editing my personal webpage that I built on GDI.   Putting up over 30 different clickbank products on Google Adwords, Placed ads on Craigslist and 20 other free online networks and again spent so much money on Google because my pages were not relevant.  Wow....Shocking.... Learned a lot and now working on CPA ads and getting some conversions.  Working on Cost per view, CPV, CPC, CPM,  Face book ads are working careful the marketing so big that you can spend your budget so fast if you don't narrow your target market.  Oh Yah....I got slapped by Google many times and recently got banned and shut down due to some ads that I was marketing.  But hey, they are not the only search engines out there, there are many......In case you’re are reading and wondering if I made any money.  Yes off course and lost a lot too.  But then again practice makes perfect.  You will never know till you actually start spending.  But read a lot.  I love Wealthy Affiliate University.  I have learned a lot even though I have been off and on with the membership.  If you are reading this, you won't find a better place to learn affiliate marketing.  This is the best.  Here I am again, learning more as the internet marketing world advances and new Web 2.0 techniques are created and new social marketing sites come about.  It’s all about marketing.  Good Luck IM.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">

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