Advertisers turning more to Digital media

Last Update: June 14, 2010

I came across onto some interesting stats from a 1st Quarter survey, done by a media planning software firm. They determined that:

"Ad agencies are ready for recovery.  80% see business returning to normal this year. While the recession may have pushed many advertisers to shift spending to digital for its accountability and value for money, TV still dominates when it comes to client priorities, according to the agencies surveyed. Fewer than one-quarter of clients were focused primarily on online marketing.
To advertisers, TV still matters, but just as radio gave way to television, we can see that TV is slowly giving way to digital.” 
  (My hi-lites - not theirs)

Further, "they indicated that 69% of agencies surveyed felt that the digital media was the growth area they anticipated
In the digital channel, agencies were most likely to say they focused spending on online display (67.9%) and social media (60.7%), followed by search and mobile."

Interesting stuff  - seeing that the professional advertisers are recognizing that more and more people are using the Internet for their research and shopping. Something that I guess all of us at WA had already realized - and that is no doubt why we are here. It is a BIG world out there - and getting bigger every day.   Surely one of these days I will actually make a sale! 

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iFaith Premium
I believe Digital Media will eventually take over everything else - TV and radio and all the rest will follow suit to leverage on its super powers and reach. Internet Space is the new frontier - wild west. And it is so good to be on the forefront of this exciting new adventure! :o)
Jamie Smith Premium
Thanks for sharing this blog