Posts by Josephthl 2
For years there was a consensus that Exact-Match Domains were a great way to get a huge boost for the keywords you were looking to target. For instance, if you were looking to rank for the keyword "how to build muscle fast" having the domain name would be ideal. By merely having the exact keyword in your domain name, Google would assume that your website was relevant for the keyword and rank it highly with minimal effort on your part. And for years this w
Hello WA, just thought I'd share a rather shocking Negative SEO case study I recently came across. As many of you probably already know, Google is now penalizing sites for unnatural/spammy links. These penalties have been built into Google's algorithm with the intention of deterring site owners from trying to manipulate their rankings using paid/automated link building services. Well, it seems the emergence of these penalties has launched a whole new online warfare in Negative SEO