Taking a big leap of FAITH

Last Update: August 12, 2012
Entering day 2 of my first 10, I have so many things going through my mind. I would say my biggest weakness in getting started with affiliate marketing is my "over-analyzing" over every small thing. I allow my fear of failure to create even a bigger fear of production, not sure of whats going to be around the next corner. The question is, how will you ever know whats around the next corner if you never take any steps to get there?

Today I put all my fears behind me and finally made some progress! I fast-forwarded my 10 days a little and I have found a "niche" and I have even purchased my first domain name. Thanks to WA, I found out that domain purchasing is not as complicated as I made it out to be. WA directed me to namecheap.com and I registered my domain for $10. It was so easy , and such a relief to have this step finally done.

I have lots of work to do now on building my website, but now I am more motivated than ever to get it done. My voyage of building a lucrative online business has begun, and I can't wait to see what is waiting around this corner for me!

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VTapier323 Premium
Hi Jovan, I wish you the best of luck, I too am new at this, the steps you made encouraged me to take a big leap of faith. So for what ever it is worth I am proud of you. Thank very much for helping me take that leap.
Thank you Velton for the comment, and its always good to see others that are in the beginning stages like myself. I know we will definitely be successful if we continue to encourage and help each other. If you need help with anything feel free to contact me and I wish you the best of luck!
BIS Premium
Welcome to WA. You're not the only one to suffer from over analysing, particularly at the beginning when either you're worried about things going wrong or you want everything to be perfect. It will get better I promise you. As you rightly pointed out if you worry too much about failure it stops you making progress. So at the end of each day acknowledge what you have achieved on your IM journey however small it is. You'll find yourself very quickly making progress. The best of luck

VTapier323 Premium
Wow, Beverley I just wanted to let you know that I think your knowledge and support of others is so wonderful. That is what I am striving to do, to help other people, as the US Army would say, "be all you can be" again thank you, and keep doing the wonderful things you are doing. Peace and Blessing unto you and your family.