About Joycie-P
Joined January 2010
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music_mom30 Premium
Kevin319 Premium
Hi there! Welcome to WA. Yep, i'm also a new person here! Take your time and absorb the information here, there is a ton of stuff here to learn. Stay in touch and let me know how your doing!
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
ellyngeorge Premium
Welcome Joycie. You are in the best place to really start seeing success. If I can help in any way, please let me know.
ellyngeorge Premium
If I can tell you anything after fooling around for about 10 years in the usual quagmire on the net, you are absolutely doing things the right way by learning first. I think you will also find that you will discover talents you didn't know you have - or that you have put on the back burner for one reason or another.
Joycie-P Premium
HI! Thanks so much for stopping by and welcoming me. I may just have to take you up on that offer. It is a bit overwhelming to see all the information available, but I am taking it one step at a time.
killxp Premium
Hi Joycie-P,
Welcome to WA! You have taken your first step to really making money online. I am fairly new here as well but I pretty much have all the basics down. One of the biggest problems that newcomers face is getting overwhelmed with all the wealth of information here and not doing anything. To help remedy this I just created a new resource that you can get to from my profile page, let me know what you think. Also, it could be easy to get sidetracked when you see a product that promises money fast. My suggestion is to not spend a dime on anything at first even if other members recommend it. If you have any specific questions you can just send me a PM. Best of luck to your Internet Marketing Success!
killxp Premium
Glad to hear it! Hopefully the whole tutorial saves you a lot of time and puts you on the right track. Let me know when you get your first campaign started. Late.
Joycie-P Premium
Hi! Thank you for welcoming me. I watched your video last night. It was very helpful :-)