Sorry and Hi

Last Update: August 28, 2010

Sorry if my first couple Blogs are a little off, i'm not used to writing this way nor am I used to having it read.


Anyhooo whats up with me. My first campaign is going good, I have several sites in one niche. You see, I have a fear of committing to a new niche.


I'm dabbling in FrontierVille, no success as of yet, but my lenses literally were just indexed. Speaking of indexing lenses, I'm getting good at that. However being able to stick to a position specifically in a search query I still haven't figured out, although that makes little sense on paper.


On paper is a phrase we should do away with, now it is on...screen? 


I'm watching this show Firefly in my spare time, it is an entertaining show.


I'm using SEO Linkvine on my Squidoo lenses now, I just started doing this. I figured I might as well make the most out of my membership.

It is a good plan though. I'm giving the lenses a good page value, then if I decide to make a FrontierVille website I can push that value right through to my new website.

It is cool, and I was just thinking about this earlier, how everything you build online gives you an advantage for the next time. Every failure gives you an edge, it is a cool way to think about it. Helps to keep me motivated, I'm competetive by nature.

I'm getting some traffic through to Amazon for the first time, no commissions yet. I'm thinking you need fairly heavy traffic to make money through Amazon, you are always going to have shoppers. Even if you catch them at the end of the cycle and get #1 for the keyword, which is hard enough in its own right. I haven't given up on it yet, the more value SEO Linkvine passes for me, the better off I'll be.

Flipping websites looked interesting, and I found a job at one of the clickbank products I'm selling. They'll give me X amount to create monthly content for them, kind of a nice gift, we haven't worked out the details yet but I'm excited.

I'm at a point where I feel like I've learned enough to work with, and I don't want to learn anymore. I was side tracked by Ashmax, I've canceled my accounts with them. Nothing against them or their service, but after thinking about it, it wasn't for me. 

Hope everyone is doing great :) Talk to youz later.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Nice update. Good progress too. You almost have to be a Zen Master to do this IM-ing. Requires something other than discipline. It's more like complete faith in something you know little about, but you keep going anyway. Too deep for a Saturday.