Learning About Backlinks / Article Marketing

Last Update: May 11, 2010

Well, the good news for me is that I'm starting to understand Keyword Research (yeah!).  But, now that I have this awesome content online...how do I promote my sites so they get to page 1 of Google???

I suppose I've hit a stumbling block in my IM quest.  I'm a lazy woman...there...I've said it :)  I want to do the least amount of work possible and get the maximum results.  Okay...don't we all???

But seriously, I would love to find a program out there that does it all...from spinning and submitting my articles to backlinking the articles it just posted along with any other website pages I want to backlink.

I told you I was lazy :)

Oh...and I don't want to pay a fortune for this service either. 

Kinda limited myself now, didn't I?  ;)

If anyone knows of an all in one IM program I could use - please let me know!  In the meantime, I'm off to do more article writing (ugh!).



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Louise M. Premium
Just accept it's gonna take work (yes, that awful 4 letter word!). Or just outsource it all if you want but if you don't do it right, you'll lose money. A lot. So... just try not to procrastinate and start TAKING ACTION lady! ;)
I think PotPieGirl gives away a great report about this issue, check out her profile to grab it it might be useful! ;)