About Justjoy
Joined February 2010
My name is Anna. I’ve been trying to find information about internet marketing and how to earn money on line for about a year. I invested some money into few different programs but nothing really worked. What I needed is more than just few information about how to, what to, when and where. I needed someone to lead me, to show me how and help me all the way step by step. So, here I am. I found the right place at right time for me to stop struggling and start rolling.
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PaintMeFancy Premium
Welcome to WA!
PaintMeFancy Premium
You will like it here.
justjoy Premium
Thanks. It feels great to belong.
chardee42 Premium
I just joined as well. Welcome to WA!
chardee42 Premium
Thanks. This should be an awesome adventure.
justjoy Premium
So we are newbies. Welcome and best wishes.
View578 Premium
Welcoming you here and wishing you the best.
justjoy Premium
Thanks a lot.
justjoy Premium
The picture I used represent me in some ways. As I don't like being photographed (issue with aging) I don't have any recent photos.
justjoy Premium
My name is Anna. I’ve been trying to find information about internet marketing and how to earn money on line for about a year. I invested some money into few different programs but nothing really worked. What I needed is more than just few information about how to, what to, when and where. I needed someone to lead me, to show me how and help me all the way step by step. So, here I am. I found the right place at right time for me to stop struggling and start rolling.