Money Making Review's

Last Update: April 20, 2010

My main goal in writing these three short review's, is to help the new comers here at WAU so they can have three good sources to help them in starting ad campaigns, if they so choose to do so, and, for any of the other Marketers.  

 Hello everyone Wayne here. I have some good news for all the new comers who have just started and the old timers (lol). Some of you may have already heard about it. You can make good money working as a, Amazon Associate for Amazon. They also have an Affiliate Program for all those who sign up, all 100% FREE!


 After you join, you will be able to have your Own Store in whatever area you choose. What will you have admittance too?

  • Links and Banners for advertising.
  • Widgets.
  • AStore.
  •—Earn 15%
  • Your reports of earnings.
  • Product Advertising API.

You will also have admittance to the discussion board, customer support and special programs.

 There is so much more there you just need to check it out for your-self! Add Your Own Store on you blog or your website as a standalone link etc... MT.jpg" width="276" height="48" /> 

They also have another program called;Amazon Mechanical Turk, which you can sign up for; again 100% FREE, and you can make some really good money over time as a worker. No, you will not get rich over night but it is legit. What you will be involved with is; viewing adds, performing word definitions and task and so on.

These two programs can and will make you money that you will be able to use for you Adwords Campaign “or” just let it add up to the threshold, ($100 minimum), you have set up then collect.

Mechanical Turk has an area that you can use your earnings to start you own add campaign’s for any area you choose as well. It works the same way as Adwords dose. My goal is to save up to use for that propose.

Some of the “Hits”, as they call it, you will need to be approve first, but that’s OK because it’s really easy. After you do that, you will just be spending time, 20sec. viewing websites and other task.

I must inform you that, being an Amazon Associate you will not have the option to use your earnings for placing ads there but, you can still make really good money tho.   

Since I have joined both, I have actually made some money in just a short period of time. Only part time “but” I do plain on spending more time at it so I can achieve my goal at “Mechanical Turk” to post my ads. 

I’m in hopes that this short review will shade some light for the new comer and help them in this “Great” opportunity.

God bless ALL here at “Wealthy Affiliate University” "ESPECIALLY" Kyle & Carson for creating such a wonderful site!Keep up the good work that everyone is doing too.

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