About Karen1
Joined February 2012
Hi all,

How's it going, hope you and you're sites are doing well! :) Just a bit about me - I've lived north of Dallas, TX, US since 1995. I am originally from Southern California and lived in and loved the Denver area for quite a few years. In 1997 I met my husband online in a chat room, and he moved here 10 months later. He's from Canada, the Montreal area. We have an 8 year old Cub Scout, the sweetest 8 year old Great Pyrenees gentle giant (Dexter), and a year old psycho black cat (Cosmo) who will love on you and then fiercely puncture your skin without provocation in a split second. Periodically we also have had foster Pyrs but it seems to make our Dexter down in the dumps and he withdraws into the corner, so we've stopped for now.

I worked in telecom until 4 years ago when I was laid off. I'd had enough of the possibility of a layoff hanging over my head for 8 long years, and decided to try and work for myself instead. The biggest perk is the flexible hours so I can be home for my son when he gets out of school. I've been doing various things since then, such as mystery shopping, merchandising, product recalls, audits, plus all the online stuff like surveys and PPC. Eventually I landed here after reading about it and emailing with Eddy at the Work At Home (No Scams) website. I'm a newbie but if I can be even 1/10th as good as Eddy at this IM thing I'll be proud. My goal right now is to finish the 30 day training!

Thanks to those who have already helped me and offered to help so I have someone to go to! I'm really enjoying all of the learning and am happier with more self confidence than I've had in a long time! A whole new chapter has begun!!
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LynnM Premium
Hi and welcome to WA!
Labman_1 Premium
Don't worry if it takes you longer than 30 days(apparently it will) it's not a race. As Webkab says take it in as you can and when your brain gets full step away for a bit. We've all been there. Feel free to ask questions, in the forums, in the chat, Private Messages(PM) too. We are all busy building our empires so be patient if you don't get an immediate response. We'll respond when we can.
Karen1 Premium
Thanks for the welcomes! I should have introduced myself probably but just threw myself in! I am doing the 30 day training, and a bit down that today is day 30 and I am on day 8!! Starting to get my routine down but finding it tough to come up with article ideas! Thanks for the recommendations webkab!
webkab Premium
Welcome to WA. There's lots of info on this site so don't let it blow your mind. Follow the 30 training offered here and also go to WAbinars and go to Affiliate Walk Through parts 1 & 2. There it will put it all together for you. I also suggest going to potpiegirls blog. She good. MUCH SUCCESS
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA