First Blog

Last Update: June 03, 2010

Ok so here is my very first blog. I can't believe I'm actually stepping out and doing this. I have visited so many blogs online and always have liked the idea of having one, but was nervous about how to get it started, drive traffic to, make it interesting enough for people to want to come back etc. So this blog here at WA is a great training ground for me.

I am currently exploring what my passion really is so that I am motivated to put all my energy and time into it. I am really interested in using my life experiences to help other people overcome obstacles in their life that I  have learned to overcome. My goal to find niches that relate to those experiences and promote products and services that will aid in that.

Just some first thoughts for my first blog posting.  I'm looking forward to gaining a lot more experience in this.

Keep your eyes on the prize and stay the course.

Take care,




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LawShay Premium
Well you sure did a fine job with your First Blog. I read all the way through it. Things have to actually catch my attention and your did. You did a fine job and wish you the best of luck in the future.
