My First Lense goes live!!

Last Update: March 30, 2010

I have been in WA for far too long ( 1st anniversary next week). Although been reading a lot, I am ashamed I have nothing to show for it because of not taking action. I have been suffering from information -overload- paralysis leading to a coma of inaction.

Last week, reality hit my head that my one year is arriving without me taking any meaningful action. I hated myself for it.  My anger was eating me to the bones. It was way tooooo painful to ignore any further!!!!  I gathered  all  my strengths and confronted my fears head on.....

I am now very excited to report that my first lens is  live online right now this second as I type. It has been a long road to this point but I have proved that it is indeed possible. To me it is a huge success, for I know it is a matter of time before another reality of a sale hits me. And for those of you who are still stuck with fear or just suffering from paralysis syndrome, I say to you to take charge, fear not for there is nothing to fear, it is but an illusion  which is = zero, period.You will feel so exhilarated once you have your article on line that you will wonder why it took you so long to take action. Don't be like me. Start now.

Back to my lens, please check it out and then make an honest critic of the 2 linked articles so that I can improve on them.I am still learning. I will really appreciate your inputs. To all  WA members, thank you so much.This could not have been possible without your inputs collectively. Here's the link for the articles.   And thanks for visiting.

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Chris k Premium
Good for you congratulations and keep up the hard work it will pay off!