90% of IMers Failed?

Last Update: November 14, 2010

Been two months now that I enrolled into the Biz of Internet Marketing, and Wealthy Affiliates.

Also been reading much in IM Forums.

Fully aware that the IM journey is a hard one. I often read from experience and successful IMers quoting that 90% of people who venture into IM failed - how discouraging can it get ? Wonder where they get the stats?

Though I am now into lesson 12 of the "8 weeks Action Plan" , I must confess that I have short-change myself and skipped some of the Action List at the end of each lesson.

No worries - cos I revisit that.

I want to be the 10% that does succeed - what's the odds?

Today I wrote down 12 points on a A4 size paper ( in Big Red Font ) , paste it near my computer to kick/remind myself :

1. Attitude is everything - Persevere

2. Treat IM like a Biz 

3. Have a Sense of Urgency - Procrastination kill

4. Take my study in WA /WF seriously

5. You learn by contributing

6. Select your Biz model and set Long/ Short term Goals

7. Actions! Actions!Actions = Results

8. No shortcut to Success - so don't short-change yourself

9. Beware of Shiny Objects - they Distract

10. Don't go into Advance until you master the basics

11. Experiment with one model until you see results and profitability; then Duplicate

12. Ask for Help when needed - nothing to lose and everything to gain.


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erussell Premium
Great list, definitely full of great ideas as long as you follow them. Some gold for ya :)
kh_sim Premium
Thank you George - good point. I added two more points as well... 14. Study your competition , 15. Have Fun doing IM tasks .

Great to hear that Sherion.
Felio Premium
I hope to add Point No. 13. Donate gold where necessary to encourage and bless other members. A gold for your progress in your learning journey. Maybe other members have more pointers to contribute to you. Soon your one A4 paper will not be enough.
Sherion Premium
Very good list. I do all of them.