Backlinks - the bane of my life!

Last Update: April 11, 2012

So I've built what I think is a really great website with lots of awesome information that I think visitors to my site will find useful. Trouble is I don't get many visitors and that is because I don't really understand the principle of building backlinks. I know that I must build backlinks to improve my position in the search engines results pages and I know that I should use a varied link profile but I can't quite understand how to put it all together in to a workable plan. I mean failing to plan is planning to fail right?

I often see sites with thousands of backlinks and it must be near on impossible to catch these sites because they would always add more and more so that no one could outrank them? I realise this post may sound negative but I'm not negative and I've been at Internet marketing for a few years now and I've never seemed to get the knack of backlinking and I really want to succeed. 

It seems that google is making it harder and harder for people like me who don't fully understand how to get ranked well and I feel so frustrated and lost. I'd love it if there were a tutorial on building backlinks which showed how it should be done right from day one up to getting it ranked at the top but I've yet to find this kind of tutorial. Does anyone know of a tutorial like this? If so please comment and let me know.

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smokeywins Premium
The key to backlinks is to make sure they are quality backlinks, ie links from articles submitted to article directories and there may be a few others. Do not pay for backlinks as that will for sure get your site blacklisted with Google after their recent changes.
kingnothing Premium
Thanks but I'm looking for a detailed plan to follow for backlinking and getting a site to rank well.
smokeywins Premium
Maybe consider submitting a training request for one? I honestly don't think one exists and it may help many of us avoid the Google slap down...
kingnothing Premium
Good idea, I'll submit a request and see what happens. :-)
webkab Premium
We do backlinking. We can help. If interested get back to me.
kingnothing Premium
That would be great if you could share the correct way to do backlinking.
Marc Premium
after reading this you can see how important backlinks are
kingnothing Premium
Thanks but now I'm more confused. :-(
Marc Premium
Really.. SEO its all about links, don't waste your time making theories, find a good backlinks strategy and start working.
morlandroger Premium
Recent developements might suggest that backlinks are maybe not as important as what you put on the site. SEO to let Google know what the page is about and good content to engage the visitors.
kingnothing Premium
I wish it were that simple.
D Premium
I have a two sites with very few links that appear on the page one of Google for certain keywords, (even at the top for some) but page four for the general keyword of each site. I am also interested in link building. I don't really know how important this is based on my experience so far. This is my third day at WA, and I've been working with websites since November 2011.
kingnothing Premium
I'm pretty sure building backlinks is vitally important to get your site ranked at the top of the search engine results pages but it's easier said than done.