About Kirst
Joined January 2009
Greetings from Okinawa!

I am a South African, married to Japanese and living in Okinawa!
I teach English as a second language PART TIME and am a full time housewife too! I turned to IM at the beginning of this year with the hopes of eventually working FULL time from home - (ie from my office)

In brief, I have a passion for health, fitness, nutrition and the human body. I am a qualified physical therapist, second language English teacher and clinical nutritionist is training.

I LOVE networking with people and really find the internet to be a FANTASTIC place to do that.

I look forward to getting to know some of you and hopefully learning more about IM.

Goals for this year:
1. Make my first sale in March - DONE( I DID IT - JUST ! YAY! there is HOPE)
2. Make 10 sales in April - I did it! Shoa - $250 sitting in my clickbank acc!
3. Make 20 sales in May - Only made 10! I found a big mistake and learned from it. So will reduce my goal for June because it takes time to write and submit articles.
4. Make 20 sales in June
5. See increase in sales in JULY, AUG
6. Make minimum of $800/month by the end of 2009

1. Take it to the NEXT LEVEL and make $500/ day.
Kirst's Accomplishments

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marior Premium
Hi Kirsten,
I did watch the video you sent in my email. Great stuff!!!!
Thank you. I can't wait to get better at this marketing so I will have something more to offer besides cheer leading.
Hey Hey I love WA
Kirst Premium
it can be done! I am seeing sales and super excited about it.
my advice is dont start off trying to build a list.
just write articles, submit them to ezine, direct link to merchant page
and see money coming in
once you see the sales, then you can work on your website and email marketing
i made the mistake of trying to build a list from the beginning.
it almost killed my desire to do any of this!
now i am making sales and see this works, I can think about lists and stuff
anyway, those are my thoughts
Internetgranny Premium
Hi Kirst,

I've just added you as my buddy - hope that's ok. And if you don't mind I'll be a copycat and also state my goals, modelling them on yours since you've already shown what is achievable. And I figure that just by striving to reach them I'll make more progress than by just hoping that I'll learn to 'become successful'. I've given you some gold for the inspiration and motivation in your profile.
Internetgranny Premium
Hi again,

Thank you for your reply. I'll let you know how I get on and shout if I need help, but otherwise I'll try and keep my nose to the grindstone and get on with the 8 week action plan. There's an awful lot to do in week 2.
Btw. I believe I read somewhere that you have a labrador. I've been looking after my son's chocolate labrador since the beginning of December. I absolutely adore her and will miss her when my son takes her back.

Take care.
Kirst Premium
i would call you super internet granny!
You are also an inspiration.
thanks for your kind words and glad that my goals could help you.
i only figured those out 2 months after being here.
pie in the sky before that.
stunning pic by the way
so UK ish! i love it
bye and shout if you need help any time
dandk Premium
Hello & Glad you could make it here and start setting up and take it step by step...
Do not be anxious for anything!
Kirst Premium
thanks dave
i learned a few interesting things last night.
will pass on the good news later
see u soon
Kirst Premium
heeeellllooooo neighbour!
How things going in your neck of the woods.
A tad wet and rainy these days but all the more conducive to staying INSIDE and studying.
Have an awesome weekend and see ya on Sunday.
Hey Kirsten,
I updated my profile as it was a shocker ...lol.
Thought I'd add you as a buddy.
Thanks for sharing your experiences with me and helping me out recently.
Cheers to you :)
Kirst Premium
hello - great profile.
you are really an interesting person.
you also helped me
hey, i might need to pick your brain about import and export business. my hubby and i starting that from Japan to SA and need some starting points.... will PM or skype you in time.
robbied Premium
hey Kirst! great interests, I can see you already having some niches on the go :) keep in touch
robbied Premium
No problemo :) Glad I could help you. If you have any questions - drop me a PM anytime ;) I spend about 2 hrs a day, and 3-4 on weekends.
robbied Premium
Heya, nichebuddy.info may not be in google yet - it's so new - getting 100 hits a day, and only 5 days old :) 2 hrs isn't much time. I spend 30 mins checking stats and keywords, 1 hr making a new article or video, and 30 mins submitting articles or videos for promotion :)
robbied Premium
Glad you're learning lots :) yes Niche Buddy is sweet, and easy! firefox issues - hrmm, have you done an update? goto www.getfirefox.com and download the latest version. it will import all your bookmarks etc. then see how it works. IE has so many issues I just can't be bothered to deal with it :)
Kirst Premium
Thanks for the post Rob,
Hope you have a good weekend
Kirst Premium
I am busy studying about Bum marketing. Also looked into a link you gave me. Nichebuddy.info. Seems that domain has died. Do you use anything else besides WA Keyword tool? Also, have you or do you use NicheQ to help you find a niche when you do article marketing? Before NicheQ was launched, were using Nichebuddy and paying for that?
Thanks for the answer about your time online. Wow 2 hours in not much. I find a whole morning of time just runs away. Weekends are out for me, hence we using as much time as i can on weekdays to get SATURATED in this. (get a bit of back pain these days from sitting so much! not used to being infront of a computer for so long!
p.s when we chat using spaces, must I reply on my space or access your space page and post it there. At the moment i am doing both, just to make sure it gets to u!
Kirst Premium
oops! I just clicked on your link on your forum to nichebuddy.info and went through to your landing page.seems i couldnt find it using GOOGLE search, but could find it through your link??
Kirst Premium
Rob - just checked out your video on nichebuddy.info. You created it? Wow! So easy to use. I followed your video step by step, even using backlinking and found listings of less than 100000. It hardly took any time. Also i learned so much just by going through the video.
I seem to be having a Prob with mozilla. I cant download the pluggins in order to see the video. I had this prob a while ago, and just gave up and switched over to Internet Explorer. I think i must have a setting that is blocking it. How do i sort it out? Now, you are becoming my computer technician!!!
THis is getting easier than it was 3 days ago. There is so much to learn
Kirst Premium
Rob = have some more Gold! your help is invaluable!