Posts by Kitty118 5
Happy New Year! What a great start of this new year. Right before midnight yesterday, new years eve, I checked my clickbank account from my iPhone like I do everyday. I am so used to see a list of zeros, and boy was I surprised when I actually saw money in my account for the first time! I had to check with the computer too, just in case there was something wrong with the iPhone app. And I have been checking again today, and yes, it's still there:) I think I'm starting to like this IM stuff :) &
December 15, 2010
First of all, thanks for all the nice comments on my last post, I was so surprised to see 24 comments on my post! One of you asked about the Easypaycheck formula. It is a course created by Sarah Young who is a full time marketer, using this method. It is based on only free methods. It is based on promoting Amazon products, but the techniques could be used for any kind of affiliate products. The part I learned most from was the keyword research method and how to find products that sell. It's 12 v
December 11, 2010
Since I joined WA I have tried a lot of different things, but not really made a real plan yet. I bought the Easypaycheck formula a few weeks ago. Followed the steps, created one, only one article and one blogpost about a camera at Amazon and then pretty much forgot the whole thing. When I logged in to my Amazon account today I saw $$ in my account. I made almost ten dollars on one purchase. My husband probably think I'm crazy, being so happy about ten dollars. I do make a pretty good income at m
November 06, 2010
Hi there! I just realized that I only have one blogpost here so far. I have been busy trying to learn everything I can about affiliate marketing since I joined here. I have been reading a lot, but not taken much action yet. Except for working on my excisting sites.I have been trying to write some articles, which is a challienge since I have to write English, would be much easier to do it in Norwegian :) Today I am working on my Loire site. I listed a lot of hotels for cycling tourists there a wh
I joined WA yesterday and I have just started to work through the first parts of the training. This seem to be an awesome resource and I look forward to get started with new websites and also learn to improve the ones I already have. Looking forward to get to know new people here and to learn how to do it the right way.