About Kiwiboy
Joined May 2008
Kia ora, (hello)

My name is Rob, From "Aetearoa" New Zealand...
It is great to be here in the WA community... Opportunity's are endless

Since joining I have had some offline issue's that has prevented me from getting my online success. And even the 'magic of making up' hasn't helped!

But To let ya'll know! You can make money with action!...
Soley as a bum marketer, I am averaging a hundy a week:)
And growing, so if any of you are discouraged, ask Q's and don't give up!

Get Your Ex Back IS an easy income start!

God bless
and Cheers to our success

"Together Everybody Achieves More"
fav quote "do to others, as you would yourself"
Kiwiboy's Accomplishments

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Recent messages
nfamillion Premium
Kia ora Robert, 3years ago I was a Construction supervisor,
It took me 8years to get there.. your in the right place bro... if need any help
we here.. keep in touch...nfa
kiwiboy Premium
Hey Kia ora bro, thanks for droping by...you sure do have some good words of encouragement here allright...
as for the offer of help! I never look at a gift horse in the face and say no! specially this close to "home"
I am being blown away right now...all these things just falling into place.... Too cool
Kia Ora Robert, Facinating lineage. Pleasure meeting you here at WA. I spent a little time in Christ Church NZ years ago and loved it. I'm looking forward to reading your blogs and hearing more from you.

kiwiboy Premium
Kia ora,Derrick And Evelyn...Thanks for coming over,and reading my begining? You have some very interesting skills behind you...I see you have a interest in guiding children also, thats so cool.. I look frward to gatting aquqinted with you guy's some time, and plan our "evolution"... as far as I have reasearched, I believe the engines have only just warned up...and lift of is still to come...
corletters Premium
Kia Ora Robert

I am a Kiwi living in Perth, Western Australia. I have been watching plenty of rugby, which I love.
I have been with WA for a short and it is just fantastic.
I am sure you will achieve great success and finance your quest....

All the best
kiwiboy Premium
Hey there Graeme ...Thanks for stopping buy...nice to see another Kiwi...your words of encouagement mean alot.
and I hope you also reach your goals threw WA all the best to you and your lovely wife....Cheers Rob
grinsystem Premium
Welcome to WA. I was Born in NZ, but we left when I was a young child. WA 8 week plan rocks, so I wish you the best of luck and you will be blown away how helpful and nice the forum is.
grinsystem Premium
Hey Thanks for the blog visit and comment!
kiwiboy Premium
Hey there my long lost kiwi brother...once a kiwi always a kiwi...
I am only two day into WA and Know it is going to be an awesome Ride...
Nice blog bro...
kiwiboy Premium
All good bro,look like you have a handle on things
Dave79 Premium
Hey, just wanted to say hi... im from wellington, good luck here, keep in touch!
kiwiboy Premium
hey dave how are you doing bro! I am not far from you...I am up just up in pram there
you can send a message with you phone or skype if you want to hook up sometime dude....cheers