A Quick Question...

Last Update: June 18, 2012
I have a live dot-net site.

I have reciently acquired the exact domain as a dot-com.

I know I could just forward the dot-com to the dot-net but was wondering how that would affect the ability of building keyword search rank for the dot-com site?

I would like to build back links as dot-coms. How will the search bots assign the keyword values... or will they just be lost?

Should I flip them and host the dot-com instead and forward the dot-net?

Don't what to do the extra work for two sites... this is for a client.

You know me... always taking short cuts...

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magistudio Premium Plus
I would go with the .com

1) Transfer site to .com
2) Forward .net to .com via .htaccess file
3) Let Google know about it inside Google Webmaster Tools
4) Update sitemaps & analytics code
5) Monitor daily
klrrider Premium
Thanx Jay... The .net is brand new so there is no back-links to it as yet.
reefswimmer Premium
Timely question. thx for posting it. And Jay, I could have stated your steps 1,2,5 quite easily......but thank you so much for steps 3 and 4. That helps me too. Re; backlinks in this current Google environment, potpiegirl has been posting on this topic. For me, she's always worth keeping up with.
David_S Premium
Thats great advice Jay, I was about to acquire a .com for my site but the .net is already 2 yrs old and ranks well, didn't want to pay $200 for the .com and well didnt want to lose my rankings either.