IMing Can Be a Crappshoot

Last Update: May 15, 2011


I check my page ranking stats for my sites every Sunday to determine work that has to be done the following week. If something is sagging I will schedule some time to boost it a bit.

For the most part... things go as planned or should I say what I have learned here at WA works and for that I am thankful....


there are always those situations that you just have to laugh off instead of pulling your hair out.

Here is two extremes that keep me laughing each week!

I have a site that is over a year old that promotes a click bank product. I originally wrote 4 ezine articles (plus other back links) and these not only ranked well but also brought me a lot of traffic. The site also worked its way up to the top of the second page in Google search for 2 of the 4 keywords and the other 2 were page 3.

This site has never made a lot of money, one or two sales a month at its best.

Here is the funny part...

Since ezine articles has been slapped by the big G my site has dropped to position 301 for the best ranked keyword, others are even farther down the list.

Still getting traffic and making at least one sale per month!


The other extreme is a site I created just about the same time (couple of months older).

 This is a BANS site promoting a eBay niche.

I wrote a couple of articles and created a couple of 2.0 properties pointing to it when I first built it. Haven't done a thing since.

It ranks position 15 for two keywords and no back links are indexed by the big G! They are out there but I can't get G to index them.

This site creates sporadic ebay commissions but averages about the same as the site above.

The funny thing is the ranking page is an internal one (I have never back linked to) and is a reprint of an ezine article!


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jatdebeaune Premium
Would be nice if it were more controllable and predictable. I think the most control you can have is to be your own personal best. Or, you can do something totally unexpected and see what happens. The Panda hit affected the directories adversely for sure. My new articles for Ezine have just a few views. They rank #1 in Google for their titles, and 4th on the first and second pages for keywords. My big worry is the merchants. They do whatever the heck they want. Not good. Am rethinking it. Rethinking them. Can't imagine being so careless with an actual sales force. They'd lose the entire force.