Simple Method for Adwords

Last Update: August 18, 2010

I received a $100 gift for adwords from google the other day. I decided to use it this time.

I created a super simple campaign that a 2 year old could set-up:)

I like to keep things as simple as possible. 

This is what I did. I set a daily budget of $25. I used just one keyword phrase that gets about 5000 hits a month and is extremely targeted. I made sure that I had placed the product pricing in the ad so that only those that may wish to pay will click on the ad. The keyword phrase is not in quotes. I bid enough to place in 4th position on page 1.

The ad title contains that same keyword phrase so that it shows up in bold lettering on my ad.

Simple as pie :)

I will let you know how it works out :)

What do you think? Do you think that it will work?











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maureenhannan Premium
I can only speak as someone who's done some Adwords writing for client campaigns--but are you split-testing your ad? Sounds promising, and since I need to learn more about Adwords I'll check to see how this turns out for you. (Do you have a landing page, or are you going direct to the merchant site?)