I will not say "overwhelmed" again...

Last Update: June 11, 2010

It's just not productive to keep bringing it up. 

I will, however, admit that I am wholly confused on what seems to be a fairly simple topic.  I have been working on Lesson 3 of the Action Plan and have spent an entire hour debating the difference between a niche and a keyword (and whether there even is a difference).  I breezed through putting together my lists of niches, only to look back at them and realize that something seems off. 

Perhaps this is a sign of information overload, and I need to load the kids in the van, go sit by the lake, and drink a venti something or other from Starbucks (with the computer on my lap, signing up with some of the sites I will be utilizing in these adventures).

No doubt, each person, in this large newbie crop to which I belong, is struggling with something at the moment.  Here's hoping that we prove the whole 90/10 thing to not be the case at WA.

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moonvine Premium
:) I agree. we don't need to keep saying that negative word, but I am new too, and I share that feeling. Tho every day that I am here, I do get more comfortable and I am meeting some wonderful folks!
Re Niches and Key words -- this is my understanding so far (I am in that same lesson, I think!)
Niche is an overall subject -- Your Niche can be Junior Golf
Your keywords would be Junior golf clubs, junior golf lessons, junior golf accessories, junior golf tournaments, etc

I think....................