“To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.” That is a Chinese Proverb that I live by and one that I have always instituted when learning how to master something. To master something, ask those that have already done it. Get their story. Find out what they did and what they failed at so you don’t have to go through the same obstacles.Well, here I am. I am here to tell you my story of online success and it might help you understand what yours will look like, and hopefully h
Testing time. One Minute of Reflection – The Nature from Luciano Bosticco on Vimeo.
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first second third press blog set-ups.So I show you my stupidly simple logic to that wordpress question...Q) When should I create a page or a post?.... As a bit of an extra you also see me create a page that readers get redirected to when they make their first comment. It's done using a great free plugin from yoast..Cheers for dropping byTony.B aka press blog set-ups.So I show you my stupidly simple logic to that wordpress question...Q) When should I create a page or a post?.... As a bit of an
Test. The freebies on which the judiciary has frowned points to how the future of a state’s, or even a country’s economy would be jeopardised by giveaways which have less to do with welfare and more with merely getting elected at the state’s cost. Competitive freebies only ensure recklessness.