WA Price Getting Jacked?

Last Update: May 06, 2010

Are we hiking the price at Wealthy Affiliate? 


Are you subject to this price increase?


Are the valid reasons for our price increase?


Are you as a paying member now every going to be subject to price increase?


Get the full details within my most recent forum post titled:

Is Wealthy Affiliate a Microwave Dinner?



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Old Mizer Premium
Your points are excellent and understood Kyle. I just wish I would have found this place a couple of years ago. It's like walking into a library. I just wish I could afford an annual premium now. When I'm finally able to do so I'll have to pay the new price. I love it here though. It feels like being on a college campus during a break or lunch time.
newwave1972 Premium
I kinda saw this coming, for somebody who has seen the other side of a bad "make money" scheme or MLM it is a good idea. As well the job I am presently trying to get out of has this same mentality and they do it successfully every day. They charge the highest price because they have the highest quality and integrity in the field that they are in. They charge for that!!! You know something else people pay me for that in my business everyday so should you get it as well.
jatdebeaune Premium
That seems fair enough. How high is the price going?
Jamie Smith Premium
Perception is very important, I understand your direction in June. The WA family worldwide continue to exceed my high expectations. Massive Respect for all the love and hard work each day. I look forward to many successful years ahead together and cheers for having the current WA family grandfathered in.
R-L-Atch Premium
I'm here for life! Thanks for all that you do! Cheers guys...
