Workin' it in the SUN!

Last Update: May 11, 2012
Summer is almost here! A beautiful, sunny day here on the west coast of Canada.

A beautiful day to be working on my deck hanging out with everyone here in WA. I wish everyone an awesome weekend ahead!!

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Andynstah Premium
Lovely office you have there, nice view in the background too. We getting into winter here in Durban SA, i bet you our winter is hotter then your summer though :) lol
kyle Premium Plus
Yeah, I woudn't doubt it.
Marcus Premium
Is that the "hill" in the background? (the road bit, not the green stuff) If so, we need to go for run together ;)
kyle Premium Plus
My running hill is a bit to the left. I will take a pic for you next time I am out there so you can get a glimpse of the "no pain no gain"!
the filbert Premium
kyle Premium Plus
Nice man, I like!
Deezdz Premium
It's a beautiful sunny day here in the GTA also.

From 9am till noon I was outdoors gardening. I'm a huge gardener in the spring and then once the hot humid weather comes, gardening's not as fun.

I'm back to work now! Hope you have a great weekend too Kyle.
kyle Premium Plus
You as well! Enjoy your gardening!
Adi2008 Premium
What a wonderful view you have Kyle. Keep these sort of pics coming, they keep me focussed on becoming successful.
kyle Premium Plus
Yeah, it is nice when the sun is out. The winter fog seems to linger up here when the weather is a bit cooler and keeps the clouds closer to the mountain. I post some summer pics when it is actually here. :)