About Deezdz
Joined November 2011
Hi there.. guess I'm suppose to tell you a little bit about myself.....

I'm Denise, my friends call me Dee,

I love travelling, reading, photography, diy projects, gardening, art, decorating, walking my furry friend, working online, and most importantly, spending time with family and friends. Oh ya...one other thing....nothing better than a good laugh!

I'm interested in environmental issues, re-using, up-cycling, organic foods/products, and healthy living.. I'm working on becoming a vegetarian again, but not so easy when your man can't live without meat and can devour 1/2 a cow in one sitting.

I'm fairly new to internet marketing. I find the entire process facinating and exciting and enjoy most of the tasks of putting together a campaign. I have made a grand total of $800 with my internet marketing in the last year, so it's pretty safe to say I must be missing a peice of this IM puzzle! Yes, I need some help...

Internet marketing is like a fun game to me... but I don't know all the rules...and I'm losing...yet I still want to play.... did what I just say make any sense? lol

I think a big reason I have joined WA is I'm trying to find my people.

I have worked from my home office for over 12 years. Although I love making my own hours and being my own boss, working from home can be isolating.

I also believe, great success in any venture is not only having the "know how" and "technical skills", but owning the "right mindset".... I'm working on both.

I'm hoping this is an environment where we can support and learn from each other.

I look forward to getting to know you!

Deezdz's Accomplishments

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Recent messages
aeromic Premium
Hey Dz, late welcome to WA! I like your pictures.
Deezdz Premium
Thanks .... see ...we really do have faces...lol - hopefully they will fix that shortly so people can see who we are in the live chat.
Thanks for the welcome aeromic....talk to you soon - Dee
MultiStreamer Premium
Welcome Deezdz. In time your $800 will start adding zeros behind it. 800, 8000, 80000, 800000 and so on. Keep moving forward.
Deezdz Premium
I like the way you think David! :)
With the supportive community here at WA who's motto seems to be "pay it forward" - it will be easier to keep moving torwards better results. I believe encouragement from others is just as important as the technical know how.
Thanks for the welcome!
racasavant Premium
Wellcome to WA Dee! Let me know if there is anything you need help with or have questions about. I am more than happy to help.
racasavant Premium
Of course, just drop me a message if you need help. :)
Deezdz Premium
An IT guy and web manager eh...I just may take you up on your offer..lol
Thanks for the warm welcome and nice meeting you!
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA!
Deezdz Premium
Thank you Labman - I appreciate the welcome...seems like this is a supportive, friendly environment.
Deezdz Premium
Hi everyone!

I joined a few days ago and have taken some time to browse the wabinars and training. Can't wait to really dig in, learn, and meet new people.

Having said that, I'm new to this "forum" thing and not even sure if I'm doing this right??... lol... who does this go to??....I guess I'll find out by trial and error.

I'm really hoping this is an environment where technical support and know how are offered, but more importantly encouragement.

If your out there, I'd like to thank Kyle and Carson for what looks like a fabulous learning environment and also Travis for making me aware of the opportunity... yes... I know... I'm one of umteengazzillion on your list, but your emails have offered great opportunities and have kept me inspired on some dark days.
