About LadyD
Joined March 2009
Hi, My name is Dolita, and I just recently joined WA. I am brand new to internet marketing. Currently I am a stay at home mom with 2 daughters. I don't want to go back to a 9 to 5 & living from paycheck to paycheck. I know God has something better in store for me, and I believe that He sent me to WA for a reason. So, I hope with some hard work and dedication WA can help me to achieve success!!!! I look forward to working with you all and making lots of new friends and business contacts.
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WealthyBabylon Premium
Hi Dolita! Thanks for adding me to your space! I hope you earn as much money as you want with WA!
new2this Premium
Miss Dolita, how are you? You introduced yourself awhile ago. How are things going so far with you and your campaigns? I hope all is well. Talk to you soon.
JimStrantz Premium
Hi Dolita,
Thanks for the gold !! Actually your important question about the Bio/Resources Area has cleared my view too!! I added you as my buddy. Send me a message if you need help or better yet post it in the Forum so it can help all the members. Best Regards. Dimitris.
restlesslimbs Premium
Hi, I'm new here too and I'm also a stay at home mom. I'm looking for a WA buddy to check in with so we can keep each other accountable to getting things done. Let me know if you're interested. Take care :)
restlesslimbs Premium
Ok, so now you know I'll be checking on you. We started at about the same time too so that should work out well. Have you been going through the 8 week plan?
LadyD Premium
Hi restlesslimbs,
That would be great! It's always good to have someone to check with. Let's check on each others progress on a regular basis, and help each other so we both can become great success stories. I look forward to speaking with you again soon! I will add you to my buddy list, and you can do the same if you'd like.
LadyD Premium
Yes, I have been going through the 8 week plan. I am on week 2 as well. But, I really just got started on it.
I got kind of sidetracked in the learning resources which was one of week one's tasks. I'm anxious to get started too.
But, iv'e been a little aprehensive because I keeping thinking well what if it's not good enough. I'm kind of a perfectionist.
What you said in your blog about not being impressed with your first campaign, but by doing it will help you to learn from it and do better on the next one, helped me to realize I can do the same.
The first one doesn't have to be great, but it can be a learning experience.
So thanks for that, you're helping me already?
Can you tell me more about OWM? How much is it, and is it worth it?
Steven.P Premium
Hi Lady D welcome
Steven.P Premium
Hi Lady D my advice get right into this stuff don't waste your money lol if you havent yet do the 8 week action plan it's pretty good email them if your having trouble take care
LadyD Premium
Hey TR.Kush, Thanks for the welcome! Looks like we are both new to internet marketing, maybe we will be able to help each other some where along the way. I hope you reach your goals!!
LadyD Premium
Thanks for the advice, I have started my 8 week plan. Setting up my WA space and meeting people is part of the first week. Thanks again, I believe we both will be very successful soon!!!