My First Blog

Last Update: June 02, 2010

Hello Everyone,

Please excuse any mistakes I might make. This is the first blog that i have ever posted anywhere. I am going to research as to what has to be done to become a successful affiliate. I don't know about much of you all, but i am kinda really hoping that i have found the right software. I mean i have read a lot of websites promising money almost in an instant. Being that there are so many scams out there i was really hesitant in to joining Wealthy Affiliate. So far everything has been good, and I have to admit there are a lot of people actually willing to share and help newbies like me. I have three wonderful kids and an awesome wife. What i hope to accomplish through my life span is the power to full fill the wants, needs, and desires of my family. I love spending time with my kids and wife. They are truly a blessing in my life and i would not trade it for anything in the world. Well enough with that. I look forward in making a bunch of Wealthy Affiliate Buddies, have fun with the program, and make money to achieve my life goals. Well i guess i will conclude this blog with my favorite saying. "We only live once, make the BEST of life."


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jatdebeaune Premium
Welcome to the WA community LawShay. It just gets better as you go. Huge amounts to learn, and tremendous support. All the best to you for your success.
Sherion Premium
Hey LayShay, I just wanted to let you know that when I decided to join WA I did a lot of research on it. I checked it out as thoroughly as I could and I mean I found a lot of places that critique work at home scams and stuff and WA got all good reviews. Anyways, I think this is going to take me at least a little bit of time to grasp it all because I am new to this type of work. Best of luck to you.
Garage667 Premium
Hey LawShay!Just wanted to welcome to the WA family and you should know that you ve made the right choice by joining.The first thing you ve got to do is commit to your self that you are going to be successful and really believe in you!Having the right mindset is very important!Set some goals,works on them,put some effort and TAKE ACTION AS LEARNING!Nothing comes easy in life but good things happen to good people!Wish you the best of luck!
reg55 Premium
Hi Lawshay...
What mistake? I can't find any, you wrote from your heart and said every thing right... I know what you mean I been following WA for over a year and skeptical about joining because I have been scammed and invested a ton of money on PDF and website builders and I got no help... I'm not that computer smart, but hoping that Carson & Kyle are going to walk the talk...
You want to talk about a stupid mistake I was doing my profile and I put the about me in the comments to buddies... So well I will learn and be able to live my dreams too...