Day 3/30

Last Update: March 07, 2011

Running 1-2 days late everyday with my tasks, I guess the 30-Day Club won't be just 30 days for me. Just finished setting up my Home, About Me, Privacy Policy, and Blog pages today on my 3 websites (i mean just the headings, haha). I should've realized how busy working on 3 websites as a newbie will be. I'm still establishing a balancing at between babysitting and Internet marketing, and I find it challenging. Hope I master this act soon.

I think I'll go with article marketing since I won't need to risk a cent and I have no spare cents to risk yet. The niches I've chosen aren't so popular but there are already quite a number of websites exactly the same as I'm about to build. I'm getting caught up with writing my original content since I have to glean, sort, and rephrase what info I think will be best. Maybe I'll write my drafts in MS Word. I also read articles in the Training Center while rocking and nursing Lila, and do a couple of tweaks on my websites with one hand if I can get away with it.

Gotta start working on my content again, Lila will be awake soon. Hope I get to do Day 4 tomorrow.

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