Posts by Leomessi 9
Who else wants to see me making an idiot of myself Hilarious Video! Enjoy :-) Cian
August 13, 2011
So there I project on the horizon...niche product + salesletter, went with someone who had very favourable reviews. Told I'd have everything within 21 working days.  3 months since ordering I finally get the package. Product is ok...still have to spend more cash on getting it up to the exceptional standard I expec Salestter...made my heart rubbish... At least I only lost a grand for this ''service''...although another 1k will be required if I need a pro to make it
Read this very interesting blog post the other day which I thought was really mint. Basically you build a lead generation in a local market where the client value is super high...create an affiliate program with a company...maybe a few grand per month, then sell that asset for a crapload  down the line when it's established...and i mean a serious crapload I ran this past my uncle, who has made
March 07, 2011
Remember Kyle mentioning this in Vegas, and I was pleasantly surprised to see I had an article about this chap bookmarked. Well worth a little read me thinks...   Cian
February 11, 2011
Hey folks, Just got back from the WA Vegas Conference and have to say WOW!! I could literally write a Marcus style PDF about everything that has happened.... but I won't :-) Well...first off, the meetings were exceptional, must try and get my notes in some order, and I learned a heck of ton there.To be honest, it was intimidating to be at the group meeting and whilst I spoke very little there I absorbed every single sentence that was said! Secondly, the perks of being in Las Vegas, hanging in t
I been listening to this song for the last 15 years. Regardless of what genre you're into, I guarantee you will be blown away by this. If I had to sum it up....Wistful Nostaglia Cian
1 comment
September 20, 2010
Just posted this in the main forum Check it out   Enjoy
Hey folks I've just blogged for the Wealthy Affiliate Blog Please leave a comment if you like it :-)  I think it's pretty good, as it focuses on the secret ingredient to success online. Live Forever Cian  P.S. The song referenced in the post can be found here    
September 09, 2010
What's the story everyone! Cian here, where on a week where The Inbetweeners comes back to our screens, I have some pretty cool news of my own. Well at the ripe old age of 21 and after having secured my first sales, $100/day , $500/day and $1000/day all thanks to WA's training, I've now achieved somthing which I KNOW trumps them all. VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally reached the 300 QUOTA this evening so I thought I'd drop a line in here.... As of now I'm totally can't really put a mone