Last Update: January 10, 2012

Welcome to Breathingandlaughterforhealth.com website.

Here you will find Health tips that does not need a prescription, that is free, at the same time very enjoyable

that will (1) Lower your Blood Pressure            (5) Prevent Heart Attacks

            (2) Cure Depression                          (6) Produce a Sense of WellBeing

            (3) Build Strong Immune System

            (4) Reduce Pain

Breathing and laughter for health

Most people have heard of the adage “laughter is the best medicine” It came from the people of old.

I wonder why the people of old and ancient cultures knew so much more than we do today. We

remember Stone-henge, Pyramids, Crop-farming etc? From ancient civilizations?

Modern civilization seems to be going back to the ancients for fun and enjoyable ways to health.

Take for instance “laughter, breathing and whistling.” These are the most potent forms of medicine (meditation) according to Eastern and African ancient philosophies. Best of all we do not have to pay for them or need prescriptions, They are enjoyable and fun to do. All three of them have many things in common, one of them being the increase of blood flow by improving the work of blood vessels, which in turn can help protect individuals from heart attacks and other heart diseases.

Laughter, breathing and whistling are different forms of meditation or deep breathing practiced by Eastern religions and others. They act as catalysts in the production of the body's 'feel good' hormone called endorphins which may even temporally relieve pain and produce a sense of well being.

Laughter may also cure sadness and depression, and build strong immune system which might bring about healthy changes in the body.

Laughter like yawning is very contagious and can bring people together in happiness and joy

Breathnotherapy is the word I coined for a healing technique combining breathing, laughter and whistling

Deep breathing comes in three stages, Stomach breathing, Chest breathing, and Hands- up breathing.

Stomach Breathing: is done by sitting cross legged on the floor as in yoga and breathing into the stomach slowly instead of the chest. In the process the stomach will balloon and be filled with air under pressure and held for a count of ten.

Chest Breathing: Without exhaling, force the air upwards into the chest cavity , hold the air in the chest cavity for a count of ten.

Hands- Up Breathing: The same air in the chest is now pushed in to the upwards stretched hands and held for a count of ten with out exhaling.

Exhalation: Touch your toes or point the out stretched hands towards the toes and exhale with

a count of ten. The whole process from stomach to exhalation is one breath. The whole process is repeated ten times. It has a deep soothing effect

and has the power to cure insomnia. If done while laying down one will fall asleep before the count of ten.

Whistling: is another form of 'Breathnotherapy'. Whistling like singing utilizes breathing at

appropriate points in the song to be able to complete the song audibly for people to hear. According to

Fitness and Freebie, whistling can be good for your heart and lungs. It can relieve tension, reduce the release of stress hormone, lower blood pressure, and lighten mood.

So next time you are depressed whistle a tune.

Breathing and laughter for health

Most people have heard of the adage “laughter is the best medicine” It came from the people of old.

I wonder why the people of old and ancient cultures knew so much more than we do today. We

remember Stone-henge, Pyramids, Crop-farming etc? From ancient civilizations?

Modern civilization seems to be going back to the ancients for fun and enjoyable ways to health.

Take for instance “laughter, breathing and whistling.” These are the most potent forms of medicine (meditation) according to Eastern and African ancient philosophies. Best of all we do not have to pay for them or need prescriptions, They are enjoyable and fun to do. All three of them have many things in common, one of them being the increase of blood flow by improving the work of blood vessels, which in turn can help protect individuals from heart attacks and other heart diseases.

Laughter, breathing and whistling are different forms of meditation or deep breathing practiced by Eastern religions and others. They act as catalysts in the production of the body's 'feel good' hormone called endorphins which may even temporally relieve pain and produce a sense of well being.

Laughter may also cure sadness and depression, and build strong immune system which might bring about healthy changes in the body.

Laughter like yawning is very contagious and can bring people together in happiness and joy

Breathnotherapy is the word I coined for a healing technique combining breathing, laughter and whistling

Deep breathing comes in three stages, Stomach breathing, Chest breathing, and Hands- up breathing.

Stomach Breathing: is done by sitting cross legged on the floor as in yoga and breathing into the stomach slowly instead of the chest. In the process the stomach will balloon and be filled with air under pressure and held for a count of ten.

Chest Breathing: Without exhaling, force the air upwards into the chest cavity , hold the air in the chest cavity for a count of ten.

Hands- Up Breathing: The same air in the chest is now pushed in to the upwards stretched hands and held for a count of ten with out exhaling.

Exhalation: Touch your toes or point the out stretched hands towards the toes and exhale with

a count of ten. The whole process from stomach to exhalation is one breath. The whole process is repeated ten times. It has a deep soothing effect

and has the power to cure insomnia. If done while laying down one will fall asleep before the count of ten.

Whistling: is another form of 'Breathnotherapy'. Whistling like singing utilizes breathing at

appropriate points in the song to be able to complete the song audibly for people to hear. According to

Fitness and Freebie, whistling can be good for your heart and lungs. It can relieve tension, reduce the release of stress hormone, lower blood pressure, and lighten mood.

So next time you are depressed whistle a tune.

Breathing and laughter for health

Most people have heard of the adage “laughter is the best medicine” It came from the people of old.

I wonder why the people of old and ancient cultures knew so much more than we do today. We

remember Stone-henge, Pyramids, Crop-farming etc? From ancient civilizations?

Modern civilization seems to be going back to the ancients for fun and enjoyable ways to health.

Take for instance “laughter, breathing and whistling.” These are the most potent forms of medicine (meditation) according to Eastern and African ancient philosophies. Best of all we do not have to pay for them or need prescriptions, They are enjoyable and fun to do. All three of them have many things in common, one of them being the increase of blood flow by improving the work of blood vessels, which in turn can help protect individuals from heart attacks and other heart diseases.

Laughter, breathing and whistling are different forms of meditation or deep breathing practiced by Eastern religions and others. They act as catalysts in the production of the body's 'feel good' hormone called endorphins which may even temporally relieve pain and produce a sense of well being.

Laughter may also cure sadness and depression, and build strong immune system which might bring about healthy changes in the body.

Laughter like yawning is very contagious and can bring people together in happiness and joy

Breathnotherapy is the word I coined for a healing technique combining breathing, laughter and whistling

Deep breathing comes in three stages, Stomach breathing, Chest breathing, and Hands- up breathing.

Stomach Breathing: is done by sitting cross legged on the floor as in yoga and breathing into the stomach slowly instead of the chest. In the process the stomach will balloon and be filled with air under pressure and held for a count of ten.

Chest Breathing: Without exhaling, force the air upwards into the chest cavity , hold the air in the chest cavity for a count of ten.

Hands- Up Breathing: The same air in the chest is now pushed in to the upwards stretched hands and held for a count of ten with out exhaling.

Exhalation: Touch your toes or point the out stretched hands towards the toes and exhale with

a count of ten. The whole process from stomach to exhalation is one breath. The whole process is repeated ten times. It has a deep soothing effect

and has the power to cure insomnia. If done while laying down one will fall asleep before the count of ten.

Whistling: is another form of 'Breathnotherapy'. Whistling like singing utilizes breathing at

appropriate points in the song to be able to complete the song audibly for people to hear. According to

Fitness and Freebie, whistling can be good for your heart and lungs. It can relieve tension, reduce the release of stress hormone, lower blood pressure, and lighten mood.

So next time you are depressed whistle a tune.

Breathing and laughter for health

Most people have heard of the adage “laughter is the best medicine” It came from the people of old.

I wonder why the people of old and ancient cultures knew so much more than we do today. We

remember Stone-henge, Pyramids, Crop-farming etc? From ancient civilizations?

Modern civilization seems to be going back to the ancients for fun and enjoyable ways to health.

Take for instance “laughter, breathing and whistling.” These are the most potent forms of medicine (meditation) according to Eastern and African ancient philosophies. Best of all we do not have to pay for them or need prescriptions, They are enjoyable and fun to do. All three of them have many things in common, one of them being the increase of blood flow by improving the work of blood vessels, which in turn can help protect individuals from heart attacks and other heart diseases.

Laughter, breathing and whistling are different forms of meditation or deep breathing practiced by Eastern religions and others. They act as catalysts in the production of the body's 'feel good' hormone called endorphins which may even temporally relieve pain and produce a sense of well being.

Laughter may also cure sadness and depression, and build strong immune system which might bring about healthy changes in the body.

Laughter like yawning is very contagious and can bring people together in happiness and joy

Breathnotherapy is the word I coined for a healing technique combining breathing, laughter and whistling

Deep breathing comes in three stages, Stomach breathing, Chest breathing, and Hands- up breathing.

Stomach Breathing: is done by sitting cross legged on the floor as in yoga and breathing into the stomach slowly instead of the chest. In the process the stomach will balloon and be filled with air under pressure and held for a count of ten.

Chest Breathing: Without exhaling, force the air upwards into the chest cavity , hold the air in the chest cavity for a count of ten.

Hands- Up Breathing: The same air in the chest is now pushed in to the upwards stretched hands and held for a count of ten with out exhaling.

Exhalation: Touch your toes or point the out stretched hands towards the toes and exhale with

a count of ten. The whole process from stomach to exhalation is one breath. The whole process is repeated ten times. It has a deep soothing effect

and has the power to cure insomnia. If done while laying down one will fall asleep before the count of ten.

Whistling: is another form of 'Breathnotherapy'. Whistling like singing utilizes breathing at

appropriate points in the song to be able to complete the song audibly for people to hear. According to

Fitness and Freebie, whistling can be good for your heart and lungs. It can relieve tension, reduce the release of stress hormone, lower blood pressure, and lighten mood.

So next time you are depressed whistle a tune.

Breathing and laughter for health

Most people have heard of the adage “laughter is the best medicine” It came from the people of old.

I wonder why the people of old and ancient cultures knew so much more than we do today. We

remember Stone-henge, Pyramids, Crop-farming etc? From ancient civilizations?

Modern civilization seems to be going back to the ancients for fun and enjoyable ways to health.

Take for instance “laughter, breathing and whistling.” These are the most potent forms of medicine (meditation) according to Eastern and African ancient philosophies. Best of all we do not have to pay for them or need prescriptions, They are enjoyable and fun to do. All three of them have many things in common, one of them being the increase of blood flow by improving the work of blood vessels, which in turn can help protect individuals from heart attacks and other heart diseases.

Laughter, breathing and whistling are different forms of meditation or deep breathing practiced by Eastern religions and others. They act as catalysts in the production of the body's 'feel good' hormone called endorphins which may even temporally relieve pain and produce a sense of well being.

Laughter may also cure sadness and depression, and build strong immune system which might bring about healthy changes in the body.

Laughter like yawning is very contagious and can bring people together in happiness and joy

Breathnotherapy is the word I coined for a healing technique combining breathing, laughter and whistling

Deep breathing comes in three stages, Stomach breathing, Chest breathing, and Hands- up breathing.

Stomach Breathing: is done by sitting cross legged on the floor as in yoga and breathing into the stomach slowly instead of the chest. In the process the stomach will balloon and be filled with air under pressure and held for a count of ten.

Chest Breathing: Without exhaling, force the air upwards into the chest cavity , hold the air in the chest cavity for a count of ten.

Hands- Up Breathing: The same air in the chest is now pushed in to the upwards stretched hands and held for a count of ten with out exhaling.

Exhalation: Touch your toes or point the out stretched hands towards the toes and exhale with

a count of ten. The whole process from stomach to exhalation is one breath. The whole process is repeated ten times. It has a deep soothing effect

and has the power to cure insomnia. If done while laying down one will fall asleep before the count of ten.

Whistling: is another form of 'Breathnotherapy'. Whistling like singing utilizes breathing at

appropriate points in the song to be able to complete the song audibly for people to hear. According to

Fitness and Freebie, whistling can be good for your heart and lungs. It can relieve tension, reduce the release of stress hormone, lower blood pressure, and lighten mood.

So next time you are depressed whistle a tune.

Breathing and laughter for health

Most people have heard of the adage “laughter is the best medicine” It came from the people of old.

I wonder why the people of old and ancient cultures knew so much more than we do today. We

remember Stone-henge, Pyramids, Crop-farming etc? From ancient civilizations?

Modern civilization seems to be going back to the ancients for fun and enjoyable ways to health.

Take for instance “laughter, breathing and whistling.” These are the most potent forms of medicine (meditation) according to Eastern and African ancient philosophies. Best of all we do not have to pay for them or need prescriptions, They are enjoyable and fun to do. All three of them have many things in common, one of them being the increase of blood flow by improving the work of blood vessels, which in turn can help protect individuals from heart attacks and other heart diseases.

Laughter, breathing and whistling are different forms of meditation or deep breathing practiced by Eastern religions and others. They act as catalysts in the production of the body's 'feel good' hormone called endorphins which may even temporally relieve pain and produce a sense of well being.

Laughter may also cure sadness and depression, and build strong immune system which might bring about healthy changes in the body.

Laughter like yawning is very contagious and can bring people together in happiness and joy

Breathnotherapy is the word I coined for a healing technique combining breathing, laughter and whistling

Deep breathing comes in three stages, Stomach breathing, Chest breathing, and Hands- up breathing.

Stomach Breathing: is done by sitting cross legged on the floor as in yoga and breathing into the stomach slowly instead of the chest. In the process the stomach will balloon and be filled with air under pressure and held for a count of ten.

Chest Breathing: Without exhaling, force the air upwards into the chest cavity , hold the air in the chest cavity for a count of ten.

Hands- Up Breathing: The same air in the chest is now pushed in to the upwards stretched hands and held for a count of ten with out exhaling.

Exhalation: Touch your toes or point the out stretched hands towards the toes and exhale with

a count of ten. The whole process from stomach to exhalation is one breath. The whole process is repeated ten times. It has a deep soothing effect

and has the power to cure insomnia. If done while laying down one will fall asleep before the count of ten.

Whistling: is another form of 'Breathnotherapy'. Whistling like singing utilizes breathing at

appropriate points in the song to be able to complete the song audibly for people to hear. According to

Fitness and Freebie, whistling can be good for your heart and lungs. It can relieve tension, reduce the release of stress hormone, lower blood pressure, and lighten mood.

So next time you are depressed whistle a tune.

Breathing and laughter for health

Most people have heard of the adage “laughter is the best medicine” It came from the people of old.

I wonder why the people of old and ancient cultures knew so much more than we do today. We

remember Stone-henge, Pyramids, Crop-farming etc? From ancient civilizations?

Modern civilization seems to be going back to the ancients for fun and enjoyable ways to health.

Take for instance “laughter, breathing and whistling.” These are the most potent forms of medicine (meditation) according to Eastern and African ancient philosophies. Best of all we do not have to pay for them or need prescriptions, They are enjoyable and fun to do. All three of them have many things in common, one of them being the increase of blood flow by improving the work of blood vessels, which in turn can help protect individuals from heart attacks and other heart diseases.

Laughter, breathing and whistling are different forms of meditation or deep breathing practiced by Eastern religions and others. They act as catalysts in the production of the body's 'feel good' hormone called endorphins which may even temporally relieve pain and produce a sense of well being.

Laughter may also cure sadness and depression, and build strong immune system which might bring about healthy changes in the body.

Laughter like yawning is very contagious and can bring people together in happiness and joy

Breathnotherapy is the word I coined for a healing technique combining breathing, laughter and whistling

Deep breathing comes in three stages, Stomach breathing, Chest breathing, and Hands- up breathing.

Stomach Breathing: is done by sitting cross legged on the floor as in yoga and breathing into the stomach slowly instead of the chest. In the process the stomach will balloon and be filled with air under pressure and held for a count of ten.

Chest Breathing: Without exhaling, force the air upwards into the chest cavity , hold the air in the chest cavity for a count of ten.

Hands- Up Breathing: The same air in the chest is now pushed in to the upwards stretched hands and held for a count of ten with out exhaling.

Exhalation: Touch your toes or point the out stretched hands towards the toes and exhale with

a count of ten. The whole process from stomach to exhalation is one breath. The whole process is repeated ten times. It has a deep soothing effect

and has the power to cure insomnia. If done while laying down one will fall asleep before the count of ten.

Whistling: is another form of 'Breathnotherapy'. Whistling like singing utilizes breathing at

appropriate points in the song to be able to complete the song audibly for people to hear. According to

Fitness and Freebie, whistling can be good for your heart and lungs. It can relieve tension, reduce the release of stress hormone, lower blood pressure, and lighten mood.

So next time you are depressed whistle a tune.

Breathing and laughter for health

Most people have heard of the adage “laughter is the best medicine” It came from the people of old.

I wonder why the people of old and ancient cultures knew so much more than we do today. We

remember Stone-henge, Pyramids, Crop-farming etc? From ancient civilizations?

Modern civilization seems to be going back to the ancients for fun and enjoyable ways to health.

Take for instance “laughter, breathing and whistling.” These are the most potent forms of medicine (meditation) according to Eastern and African ancient philosophies. Best of all we do not have to pay for them or need prescriptions, They are enjoyable and fun to do. All three of them have many things in common, one of them being the increase of blood flow by improving the work of blood vessels, which in turn can help protect individuals from heart attacks and other heart diseases.

Laughter, breathing and whistling are different forms of meditation or deep breathing practiced by Eastern religions and others. They act as catalysts in the production of the body's 'feel good' hormone called endorphins which may even temporally relieve pain and produce a sense of well being.

Laughter may also cure sadness and depression, and build strong immune system which might bring about healthy changes in the body.

Laughter like yawning is very contagious and can bring people together in happiness and joy

Breathnotherapy is the word I coined for a healing technique combining breathing, laughter and whistling

Deep breathing comes in three stages, Stomach breathing, Chest breathing, and Hands- up breathing.

Stomach Breathing: is done by sitting cross legged on the floor as in yoga and breathing into the stomach slowly instead of the chest. In the process the stomach will balloon and be filled with air under pressure and held for a count of ten.

Chest Breathing: Without exhaling, force the air upwards into the chest cavity , hold the air in the chest cavity for a count of ten.

Hands- Up Breathing: The same air in the chest is now pushed in to the upwards stretched hands and held for a count of ten with out exhaling.

Exhalation: Touch your toes or point the out stretched hands towards the toes and exhale with

a count of ten. The whole process from stomach to exhalation is one breath. The whole process is repeated ten times. It has a deep soothing effect

and has the power to cure insomnia. If done while laying down one will fall asleep before the count of ten.

Whistling: is another form of 'Breathnotherapy'. Whistling like singing utilizes breathing at

appropriate points in the song to be able to complete the song audibly for people to hear. According to

Fitness and Freebie, whistling can be good for your heart and lungs. It can relieve tension, reduce the release of stress hormone, lower blood pressure, and lighten mood.

So next time you are depressed whistle a tune.

Breathing and laughter for health

Most people have heard of the adage “laughter is the best medicine” It came from the people of old.

I wonder why the people of old and ancient cultures knew so much more than we do today. We

remember Stone-henge, Pyramids, Crop-farming etc? From ancient civilizations?

Modern civilization seems to be going back to the ancients for fun and enjoyable ways to health.

Take for instance “laughter, breathing and whistling.” These are the most potent forms of medicine (meditation) according to Eastern and African ancient philosophies. Best of all we do not have to pay for them or need prescriptions, They are enjoyable and fun to do. All three of them have many things in common, one of them being the increase of blood flow by improving the work of blood vessels, which in turn can help protect individuals from heart attacks and other heart diseases.

Laughter, breathing and whistling are different forms of meditation or deep breathing practiced by Eastern religions and others. They act as catalysts in the production of the body's 'feel good' hormone called endorphins which may even temporally relieve pain and produce a sense of well being.

Laughter may also cure sadness and depression, and build strong immune system which might bring about healthy changes in the body.

Laughter like yawning is very contagious and can bring people together in happiness and joy

Breathnotherapy is the word I coined for a healing technique combining breathing, laughter and whistling

Deep breathing comes in three stages, Stomach breathing, Chest breathing, and Hands- up breathing.

Stomach Breathing: is done by sitting cross legged on the floor as in yoga and breathing into the stomach slowly instead of the chest. In the process the stomach will balloon and be filled with air under pressure and held for a count of ten.

Chest Breathing: Without exhaling, force the air upwards into the chest cavity , hold the air in the chest cavity for a count of ten.

Hands- Up Breathing: The same air in the chest is now pushed in to the upwards stretched hands and held for a count of ten with out exhaling.

Exhalation: Touch your toes or point the out stretched hands towards the toes and exhale with

a count of ten. The whole process from stomach to exhalation is one breath. The whole process is repeated ten times. It has a deep soothing effect

and has the power to cure insomnia. If done while laying down one will fall asleep before the count of ten.

Whistling: is another form of 'Breathnotherapy'. Whistling like singing utilizes breathing at

appropriate points in the song to be able to complete the song audibly for people to hear. According to

Fitness and Freebie, whistling can be good for your heart and lungs. It can relieve tension, reduce the release of stress hormone, lower blood pressure, and lighten mood.

So next time you are depressed whistle a tune.

Breathing and laughter for health

Most people have heard of the adage “laughter is the best medicine” It came from the people of old.

I wonder why the people of old and ancient cultures knew so much more than we do today. We

remember Stone-henge, Pyramids, Crop-farming etc? From ancient civilizations?

Modern civilization seems to be going back to the ancients for fun and enjoyable ways to health.

Take for instance “laughter, breathing and whistling.” These are the most potent forms of medicine (meditation) according to Eastern and African ancient philosophies. Best of all we do not have to pay for them or need prescriptions, They are enjoyable and fun to do. All three of them have many things in common, one of them being the increase of blood flow by improving the work of blood vessels, which in turn can help protect individuals from heart attacks and other heart diseases.

Laughter, breathing and whistling are different forms of meditation or deep breathing practiced by Eastern religions and others. They act as catalysts in the production of the body's 'feel good' hormone called endorphins which may even temporally relieve pain and produce a sense of well being.

Laughter may also cure sadness and depression, and build strong immune system which might bring about healthy changes in the body.

Laughter like yawning is very contagious and can bring people together in happiness and joy

Breathnotherapy is the word I coined for a healing technique combining breathing, laughter and whistling

Deep breathing comes in three stages, Stomach breathing, Chest breathing, and Hands- up breathing.

Stomach Breathing: is done by sitting cross legged on the floor as in yoga and breathing into the stomach slowly instead of the chest. In the process the stomach will balloon and be filled with air under pressure and held for a count of ten.

Chest Breathing: Without exhaling, force the air upwards into the chest cavity , hold the air in the chest cavity for a count of ten.

Hands- Up Breathing: The same air in the chest is now pushed in to the upwards stretched hands and held for a count of ten with out exhaling.

Exhalation: Touch your toes or point the out stretched hands towards the toes and exhale with

a count of ten. The whole process from stomach to exhalation is one breath. The whole process is repeated ten times. It has a deep soothing effect

and has the power to cure insomnia. If done while laying down one will fall asleep before the count of ten.

Whistling: is another form of 'Breathnotherapy'. Whistling like singing utilizes breathing at

appropriate points in the song to be able to complete the song audibly for people to hear. According to

Fitness and Freebie, whistling can be good for your heart and lungs. It can relieve tension, reduce the release of stress hormone, lower blood pressure, and lighten mood.

So next time you are depressed whistle a tune.

Breathing and laughter for health

Most people have heard of the adage “laughter is the best medicine” It came from the people of old.

I wonder why the people of old and ancient cultures knew so much more than we do today. We

remember Stone-henge, Pyramids, Crop-farming etc? From ancient civilizations?

Modern civilization seems to be going back to the ancients for fun and enjoyable ways to health.

Take for instance “laughter, breathing and whistling.” These are the most potent forms of medicine (meditation) according to Eastern and African ancient philosophies. Best of all we do not have to pay for them or need prescriptions, They are enjoyable and fun to do. All three of them have many things in common, one of them being the increase of blood flow by improving the work of blood vessels, which in turn can help protect individuals from heart attacks and other heart diseases.

Laughter, breathing and whistling are different forms of meditation or deep breathing practiced by Eastern religions and others. They act as catalysts in the production of the body's 'feel good' hormone called endorphins which may even temporally relieve pain and produce a sense of well being.

Laughter may also cure sadness and depression, and build strong immune system which might bring about healthy changes in the body.

Laughter like yawning is very contagious and can bring people together in happiness and joy

Breathnotherapy is the word I coined for a healing technique combining breathing, laughter and whistling

Deep breathing comes in three stages, Stomach breathing, Chest breathing, and Hands- up breathing.

Stomach Breathing: is done by sitting cross legged on the floor as in yoga and breathing into the stomach slowly instead of the chest. In the process the stomach will balloon and be filled with air under pressure and held for a count of ten.

Chest Breathing: Without exhaling, force the air upwards into the chest cavity , hold the air in the chest cavity for a count of ten.

Hands- Up Breathing: The same air in the chest is now pushed in to the upwards stretched hands and held for a count of ten with out exhaling.

Exhalation: Touch your toes or point the out stretched hands towards the toes and exhale with

a count of ten. The whole process from stomach to exhalation is one breath. The whole process is repeated ten times. It has a deep soothing effect

and has the power to cure insomnia. If done while laying down one will fall asleep before the count of ten.

Whistling: is another form of 'Breathnotherapy'. Whistling like singing utilizes breathing at

appropriate points in the song to be able to complete the song audibly for people to hear. According to

Fitness and Freebie, whistling can be good for your heart and lungs. It can relieve tension, reduce the release of stress hormone, lower blood pressure, and lighten mood.

So next time you are depressed whistle a tune.



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