About Lezeph
Joined April 2010
Hi All,
My name is Leslyn, stumbled on this site this morning and joined right away. Usually I am not that impulsive and is known to over-think and over analyze everything. My decision was easy because I have been researching and tried numerous online programs for years,some way more expensive and not as user friendly.

I was impressed by what Eddy Salomon's site said (a member affiliate) who explained WA openly and honestly. I am truly excited to do this and is looking forward to Great Success!!!!!!

I live in Georgia is married and have two boys. My desire is to have an avenue where the income potential is unlimited and I have flexible schedule to keep up with my family activities.
I am hoping and believing that WA will help me achieve my goal!

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Not2Late Premium
Welcome Leslyn!!
babyboomer20 Premium
Hi there Lezeph, A very warm Welcome to you. Congratulations on taking this step to "Owning Your Life". Everybody Knows that This process of Learning and Personal Development can be SIMPLE, FUN, and VERY REWARDING, hope it is for you too! Wishing YOU All the Best!
Would it be OK if I added you to my Buddy List? I'd like to be your friend... Please feel free to add me. Marty : )
babyboomer20 Premium
*Thanks* I Appreciate Your friendship! Marty : ) Be Blessed
Lezeph Premium
Txs for the welcome Marty...I'll be sure to ad you.
jirvwa2010 Premium
jatdebeaune Premium
Good instincts, about both WA and Eddy Salomon. All the best to you.
Lezeph Premium
Txs J.
kadcpp Premium
Welcome to WA! I considered it for days before joining but I am sure glad I finally did.
kadcpp Premium
And you can succeed with the help here. So glad to have you here.
Lezeph Premium
Thanks, I am soooo ready to do this :)