About 1 month in.

Last Update: September 22, 2009

This internet marketing thing is awesome. The thought of sitting at home making $$$ in your PJs is great. I cant wait till the money starts rolling in. I am getting more familiar with everything now. Its amazing how many different products I find coming my way from other IM's campaigns that I have opted in to. I always wondered how they sent all those semi personalized emails. Now I find my self scanning over them just to see how good their sales copy is and no longer want to buy all this stuff.

I admit there are a couple that are still apealing. The good ones seem like they have a tractor beam pulling you in. Then some of them just seem so fake. 

I am excited to keep learning about this stuff. I think signing up for WA was a great choice.  I have a few articles out now and plan to start writing 2 a day until I make my first sale. Then I will probably start writing 3 or 4 a day after that.

I admit I did kinda make my first sale, but it was to myself. If nothing else at least I know how to get all these e products at 50-75% off. ;-)

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