Need Input

Last Update: July 07, 2010

Hi all,

I am finally figuring out that Marketing is more than just putting something on the web and hoping that somebody see's it. I finally realized that the one thing that I know the most about is Diabetes. That is because I have had it for over 17 years.

I spent probably 3 hours today finally figuring out that I could figure out what people with Diabetes may be looking for. I did that by using adwords, Quantcast, Google wonderwheel, and Amazon just to see what people were blogging and in the forums looking for. 

My question is? Does anybody have any ideas as to what would be the best way to start with this? I am thinking about going with Type 2 Diabetes again because of experience. Is there a better way?

If you have any ideas please let me know.

I joined Bum Marketing and the information has been pretty good. I know that the person that is putting out the information is a WA member too. The way the information is given is in a very relaxed setting and pretty much step by step which is great for me and possibly for some of the other newbies that are trying to figure out some of information that is available. It just made it a lot easier for me to see it step by step.  


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aRBie Premium
Wow, I made a long post today about what you are doing but that person had fibromyalgia. That is what she knows the best and can be the best person to promote the things it would take to deal with her disease. Yours is no different. When you build a site and write articles you are doing it from a perspective that no one that doesn't deal with your disease can understand. After you build your site write an article in your local paper and link to your site. Tell the world you know what its like and you can help. Make up flyers and ask doctors to hand them to new patients who have just found out they have diabetes. Be the go to person both in real life and on the internet for people to learn how to cope with this disease.
Good Luck.
lloydspoon Premium
Thanks DABK for your input. Good information. I have found a couple of CB affiliate sites that I can use which seems to be pretty good. I will try these and see how they work for me. I am real new to online marketing so any information I can get is greatly appreciated.
DABK Premium
If you can find a product for type 2 diabetes that has an affiliate program, you can test it, and if good recommend it from a place of trust like no other. Besides, you'll never be at a loss for content, you just write about what's going on with you and your diabetes.

I'd start there.