Aviary is Retiring Next Month

Last Update: August 07, 2012
Ever since Jay introduced WA to Aviary flash suite in the Getting Graphic webinar I have been hooked. They offer the most advanced image and vector editing , along with audio editing and best of all....it's FREE. Thank you, Jay, for introducing me to this wonderful program of apps. You can truly create anything imaginable.
I was so disheartened to see that as of next month the whole Aviary Suite will be retired and no longer available.
Here's a heads-up for anyone else at WA who may have work saved there or work in progress. Go there now and retrieve your work.
Does anyone know of another program for image/vector editing that is affordable? I don't want to shell out $600 for photoshop.

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CSmith1 Premium
Hi Lisa,
I have photoshop CS3, but have been playing around with GIMP when I have time, it's takes some learning, but once you know the basics it will become much easier. Youtube has tons of video tutorials covering GIMP.
I also intend on creating GIMP videos for WA training.
lmc6837 Premium
Craig, I look forward to your new videos. Your excellent training videos have really helped me and saved me much time! Speaking of which, I don't know how you find the time to do so much. Thanks for all your help.
Pete N Premium
Lisa, try this site. I have bought software from here cheap and they have good support.
Also Gimp is free. http://www.gimp.org/

hope this helps.
lmc6837 Premium
Thanks, Pete. I will check it out. Yes, I've looked into Gimp. I appreciate the adobe website info.