
Last Update: December 19, 2010

Sounds like an exciting space stuff!

No, it's just a free online alternative to powerpoint. Sounds boring now, right?

But it's a cool, intuitive, fast, beau-ti-ful tool!

You GOT to try it! I've always found powerpoint to be pretty difficult to work with, maybe it's just me but when a software doesn't think like I do, I stop using it and look for a better one. ;)

I keep being happily surprised by SlideRocket, it's just better than I thought a tool like that could be. Oh and you can login with your google account too.

And, just like everytime I love an online service or tool, I contacted their team to thank them for creating such a good and intuitive tool and the VP Marketing replied:

"Thank you very much for your inspiring message, this is the kind of feedback we live for. I've forwarded it to our ALL mail list so everyone in the company will get it so thank you for making us all feel good about what we're doing to help everyone make great presentations. "

I think it's important to send positive feedbacks to companies who are doing great products, have great customer service. It pushes them to keep doing a great work. People often contact companies only to complain about something and it's too bad.

Let me know what you think of it if you use it.




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jatdebeaune Premium
Thank you Lou. Just added it to my arsenal. It is good to pat people on the back for doing a good job. More people should adopt that habit. It's very inspiring to get positive feedback.
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks Weezey, its always nice to know about another tool to use.