Why YOU Don't Want To Miss The Next Jay's WA-binar!

Last Update: October 29, 2010

A quick post fellow WA members to highly encourage all of you who didn't attend Jay's webinar tonight to be on the lookout for the next one!!

Tonight's backlinks webinar was very informative and helpful for all the new and even more advanced members here.


During his webinars, you get to:

  • understand affiliate marketing concepts in a real, simple and tangible way.
  • SEE (by video screen capture) how to DO these affiliate marketing must-dos.
  • understand in details the direct benefits of these actions.
  • get clear answers to your even-apparently-dumb questions. lol (Yes, even if you ask Jay what is a website, he'll answer you in a very clear and serious way. No dumb questions I tell you! :) Jay knows how blurry some concepts may be and therefore explains them in a crystal clear, concrete way).

Luckily for you, Jay's recording the webinars so you'll be able to catch up.


These webinars are made for YOU and they can definitely BOOST your affiliate marketing progress.


I'm never short of compliments about Jay because I know that the way he perceives and "teaches" affiliate marketing is really thorough, uncomplicated and, yes, funny. :)

Anyway guys, now that Kyle and Carson set up these WA-binar alerts when you log in your WA account, you have no excuses. :)


Read the feedbacks of the people who attended tonight webinar HERE!




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dec944 Premium
I absolutely agree. I heard him mention your name last night Louise. He is a charming and knowledgeable guy with a plethora of insight. Well worth the time, whether you are a newbie or experienced. Watch for the recorded playback if you missed this and I guarantee you will pick up some good nuggets.
Barnabus Premium
Unfortunately for me Jay's webinar falls within the same hours I have to work....sigh..Enjoy
jatdebeaune Premium
Jay is a wonderful teacher. He makes things very clear and easy to understand. I love his webinars.
Louise M. Premium
I really agree with you bro!
Jamie Smith Premium
Jay is truly a great man.